Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is mercantilism?
An economic system that sees trade as the basis of the accumulation of wealth.
What is the divine right of kings?
The political culture that understood power to be vested in the king because he was God’s representative on earth.
What is a social contract?
The idea that power is not derived from God but instead comes from and is limited by the consent of the governed, who can revolt against the government they contract with if their rights are not protected
Who is John Locke?
The British philosopher who introduced the idea that the social contract was conditional on the government’s protection of rights and could be revoked if the government failed to protect those rights.
What is the Declaration of Independence?
The political document that dissolved the colonial ties between the United States and Britain.
What are Inalienable rights?
Rights that we are born with, that cannot be taken away from us, and that we cannot sell.
What is republican virtue?
The idea that citizens would act in the public interest without coercion by a strong government.
What is compromise?
The act of giving up something you want in order to get something else you want more; an exercise in determining and trading off priorities.
What are Articles of Confederation?
The first constitution of the United States, ratified in 1781, creating an association of states with a weak central government.
What is a confederation?
A form of government in which all the power lies with the local units; in the American case, that’s the states.
What is the Constitutional Convention?
The assembly of 55 delegates in the summer of 1787 to recast the Articles of Confederation; the result was the U.S. Constitution.
What are Federalists?
Supporters of the Constitution who favored a strong central government.
What are Anti-Federalists?
Advocated of states’ rights who oppose the Constitution.
What is the Virginia Plan?
A proposal at the Constitutional Convention that congressional representation be based on population, thus favoring larger states.
What is bicameral legislature?
A lawmaking body with 2 chambers.
What is the New Jersey Plan?
A proposal at the Constitutional Convention that congressional representation be equal, thus favoring small states.
What is the Great Compromise?
The constitutional solution to congressional representation: equal votes in the Senate, votes by population in the House.
What is the Three-Fifths compramise?
The formula for counting every enslaved person as three-fifths of a person for purposes of representation; reconciled northern and southern factions at the Constitutional Convention.