Chapter 2 Flashcards
Why was early IR backed up by liberalism?
Woodrow Wilson, president at the time, was a big advocate for liberalism and thought bringing democratic liberal value world wide would be the only way to prevent another WW. As USA was the leading power of the world after helping win the war, they had a lot of credibility and influence at the time.
What was the Paris Peace Conference influenced by?
Woodrow Wilson’s liberal/ peace ideas and his 14 point programme.
What did the Paris Peace conference establish?
The league of nations and 5 peace treaties with the defeated states of the war.
What were Wilson’s two main point from the programme?
- promotion of democracy and self determination. Thought that spread of liberal democracies in Europe would stop autocratic leaders and bring in peaceful ones.
- An international organization (League of nations) that would hold states more accountable
How did the League of Nations play out?
It was no where near as successful as Wilson had hoped. Two major powers in the League disregarded it and didn’t consider it when making policies and the most important state- the US- did not join.
What was the purpose of the League of Nations?
collective security; the league essentially said that the international community has a duty to intervene in international conflicts.
What were some critiques of the early liberalism?
Realists said that liberals misread the facts about interantional society. Liberals assume that realtions could be based on cooperation and peace between the countries but realists say we should assume the opposite; that countries have conflicts. Realists claim liberals views on society to be utopian. (Carr)
Who was Morgantheau and what did he believe?
Brought the most success of realism to America. Said Human nature is at the heart of IR and that humans were self interested and power seeking.
How did realists such as Carr and Morgantheau see human nature?
Human nature as bad, people are selfish and power seeking.
What is the main goal in IR according to classical realists?
Power is always the immediate aim. See world politics as an international anarchy.
For Classical realists, what is the way to prevent war and have peace?
Balance of powers.
What are the 3 main components to classical realism?
- human nature is behind Ir and human nature is bad.
- in IR the main goal is power and to keep peace we need a balance of powers
- History repeats. war will continue as long as state system rules. BOP will keep it peaceful but every once in a while it will fall.
What was the first major debate in IR and who won?
Utopian liberalism vs realism. Realisn won and took over in 1930s.
Main points of Utopian Liberalism?
- international law
- international organization
- interdependence
- cooperation
Realism response to points of liberalism?
- power politics
- security
What is the main objective of Behaviourists?
Find data about IR. Basically to scientifically explain it. use facts to then be able to measure, generalize and validate a hypothesis.
Sociological Realism
across border activities such as trade grew in the international community in 1950s. This created a sense of cooperation between states as it was mutually beneficial.
these interconnecting activities created common values and paved the way for peaceful cooperation.
Creates common values
Interdependence realism?
A form of neoliberalism, major contributions from Keohane and Nye. Relationships between the western countries are formed with complex interdependence and that societies are linked in many different ways and that military issues are no longer their main concern.
tx create cooperation
institutional liberalism?
the interdependence of the states causes the need of international institutions to be formed to regulate and deal with problems.
Republican Realism and the 3 reasons
Liberal democracies enhance peace because they don’t go to war with each other. why?
1. they have peaceful conflict resolution
2. They have common values/ foundation
3. Economic cooperation
How does Waltz see the structure of international system?
IR is an anarchical system that consists of states that are all the same but differ in one aspect; power.
Waltz Theory (BOP)
- great powers will always tend to balance each other
- smaller states will align themselves with great powers to protect their autonomy
Overview of Neorealism?
countered neoliberalism; they don’t deny that cooperation between states is possible but say that cooperating states will still always try to maximize their power.
What later became common ground between both Neorealists and neoliberalists?
Main state actors are in an international anarchy and always look out for their best interests.
Main points of International society?
Both realist and liberal views co exist in IR and are both important. power and law both have an important place in IR. IGO and NGo are not the centre of IR.
What is IPE about?
Who gets what in the international economical and political sysem
Third IR debate?
Neo marxists vs realism/ liberalism (+neo)
According to Neo Marxists what is the unequal exchange that developing countries are subjected to?
They have to sell their raw materials for low and then buy finished goods at a high price whereas rich countries do the opposite.
What is the liberal view on IPE?
capitalism is good and allows for progressive change no matter the status of the country. - free market economy
Neo marxist view on IPE?
Tool for exploitation of the underdeveloped countries by the developed.
What is meant by a zero sum game?
One states gain is anothers loss
Realist view on IPE?
Mercantilism, wealth should be managed by the state
What are Waltz’s 3 levels of analysis?
First image: Individuals - Classic realism
Second image: national level - liberal
Third image: State view - neorealism