Chapter 2 Flashcards
Something that is said in the name of God
Modifier indicating something that refers or pertains to God
Motive of Faith
the reason why a person comes to believe God - namely, the authority of God himself
the theological virtue by which one believes all that God has said and revealed to man and that the church proposes for belief
Word of God
God’s speech to man. Referenced to sacred scripture, as well as Jesus Christ, “the word made flesh”.
A solemn agreement between God and man where mutual commitments and guarantees are involved.
Motive of Faith
The reason why a person comes to believe in God- namely, the authority of God himself
the name given to the universal teaching authority of the church, which guides the faithful without error in matters of faith and morals through the interpretation of sacred scripture and tradition
A, sign wonder, or event which transcends the laws of nature and therefore can be attributed to divine power.
a person called by god to speak to his people, often to announce future events that could not otherwise be foreseen. “he who talks to man in the name of god”
A sign, wonder, or event which transcends the laws of nature and therefore can be attributed to divine power. The miracles of Jesus were messianic signs of the presence of God’s Kingdom.
God’s communication of himself by which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan. A gift of God’s self-communication that is realized by deeds and words through time, the fullness of which was the sending of his Only-Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Revelation also refers to the New Testament book containing the revelation given to St. John on Patmos, also called the Apocalypse.
Something that refers or pertains to God.
A sign, wonder, or event which transcends the laws of nature and therefore can be attributed to divine power. The miracles of Jesus were messianic signs of the presence of God’s Kingdom.
Object of faith
“The content of true Christian faith and belief: God himself; other truths that can be known only through Revelation, such as the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist; and all the natural truths specially revealed by God in order to confirm and strengthen our knowledge of them, such as the existence of our soul”
Act of Faith
A supernatural assent of the intellect through which a truth revealed by God is believed on the authority of God who reveals it. One who makes an act of faith is certain of the truth and makes a free-will choice to believe in it.
A person called by God to speak to his people, often to announce future events that could not otherwise be foreseen. It comes from a Hebrew term meaning “he who talks to man in the name of God.”
Why did God give us faith?
He loves us
The name given to the universal teaching authority of the Church, which guides the faithful without error in matters of faith and morals through the interpretation of Sacred Scripture and Tradition
Divine Revelation
Gods communication of himself by which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan. A gift of Gods self communication that is realized by deeds and words through time, the fullness if which was the sending of his Only-Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Revelation also refers to the New Testament book containing the revelation given to St John on Patmos, also called the Apocalypse
Gods communication of himself by which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan. A gift of Gods self communication that is realized by deeds and words through time, the fullness if which was the sending of his Only-Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Revelation also refers to the New Testament book containing the revelation given to St John on Patmos, also called the Apocalypse
Original sin
“Man, tempted by the devil. . .disobeyed God’s command” (CCC 397) Adam and Eve immediately [lost] the grace of original holiness” (CCC 399). “The harmony in which they had found themselves, thanks to original justice, is now destroyed: the control of the soul’s spiritual faculties over the body is shattered; the union of man and woman becomes subject to tensions, their relations henceforth marked by lust and domination.16 Harmony with creation is broken: visible creation has become alien and hostile to man.17 Because of man, creation is now subject “to its bondage to decay” (CCC 400).”
The name given to the universal teaching authority of the Church, which guides the faithful without error in matters of faith and morals through the interpretation of Sacred Scripture and Tradition.
Motive of Faith
The reason why a person comes to believe in God - namely, the authority of God himself.
Supernatural Revelation
Gods communication of himself by which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan. A gift of Gods self communication that is realized by deeds and words through time, the fullness if which was the sending of his Only-Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Revelation also refers to the New Testament book containing the revelation given to St John on Patmos, also called the Apocalypse
The name given to the universal teaching authority of the Church, guides the faithful without error in matters of faith and morals through the interpretation of Sacred Scripture and Tradition
Motives of Credibility
The four main signs and evidence that certain affirmations are made by God ( or those chosen by God to speak with his authority) and that they have been passed along to us completely and without error - namely, the miracles of Jesus and his saints; the fulfillment of prophecies; the sublimity or dignity of the message; and the growth, holiness, fruitfulness, and stability of the Church
The theological virtue by which one believes all that God has said and revealed to man and that the Church proposes for belief
A solemn agreement between people or between God and man involving mutual commitments and guarantees.
A sign, wonder or event which breaks the laws of nature therefore we can attribute them to divine power.
what is revelation
gods communication of himself by which he makes known the mysteries of his divine plan. A gift of gods self communication that is realized by deeds and words through time, the fullness of which was by sending of his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Revelation also refers to the New Testament book containing the revelation given to St. John on Patmos, also called the Apocalypse.
Divine Revelation
See revelation
Supernatural Revelation
See Revelation.
A person called by God to speak to his people, often to announce future events that could not otherwise be foreseen. It comes from a Hebrew term meaning “he who talks to man in the name of God. “
Motive of Faith
The reason why a person comes to believe in God—namely, the authority of God himself.
Anything that astounds, something admirable.
Something that defies or intensifies the laws of nature.
Church Fathers
See Fathers of the Church
Council of Jerusalem
Recounted in Acts 15, this synod of the Apostles around AD 49 or 50 spoke with the authority of the Holy Spirit in deciding that Gentile converts to Christianity did not have to be circumcised or obey the Law of Moses.