Chapter 2 Flashcards
City with attached suburbs and villages
Service everybody can use
Replacement of human labour with computers and software
Use of motor cars
Cbd (central business district)
City centre
Central city
Most inmportant city in an agglomeration
City formation
Process in which housing is replaced by offices and shops
Commercial services
Money making services based on trade banking transport retail and hospitality
A person who lives in one place and works in another
Commuter traffic
Travel between work and home
Compact city policy
Policy to build more homes in and near cities
Decline in the percentage of people younger than 20 years of age in population
Demographic pressure
The relationship between productive age group and teh non productive group
Demographic shrinkage
Decrease in population
Demolition and new build
Demolishing houses and building new ones
Deprived neighbourhood
Neighbourhood with low quality of life
Changes that happen in poor deprived neighbourhoods when rich people buy and upgrade rundown housing
Green pressure
Pressure from the 0 to 20 year age group on 20 to 65 year age grouo
Grey pressure
Pressure from 65+ age group on 20 to 65 age group
Historic city centre
Oldest part and heart of a city
Housing density
Number of homes per km2
Everything that is needed for Transportation of people, goods and information
Land use
How space is used for living, working, recreation and traffic