Chapter 2 Flashcards
individuals who are joined together by marriage, blood, adoption, or residence in the same household.
Nuclear Family
consists of a husband-provider, a wife who stays home, and children. Was once the norm in the US, but is no longer the most common type.
Dual-career/Dual-earner family
both parents work, either by choice or necessity. Two-thirds of all two-parent families are this type.
What issues do Dual-career families have to address?
child care, household chores, and spending time together.
Child-free family
a growing trend. In some cases by choice, and in others due to infertility.
Extended family
a couple shares household and childrearing responsibilities with parents, siblings, or other relatives.
Extended-kin network family
form of extended family in which two nuclear families of primary or unmarried kin live near each other. They share social support network, chores, goods, and services. Common in Latino community.
Single-parent family
becoming increasingly common. Head of household is widowed, divorced, abandoned, or separated.
a biologic parent with children and a new spouse who may or may not have children. More common due to increasing rates of divorce and remarriage.
What are the strengths of a stepfamily?
may have fewer financial issues, may offer a child a new support person and role model, and offers new opportunity for relationships for parents.
What are the challenges of a stepfamily?
relationship between stepparent and children may be strained with issues such as discipline, adjustment problems, role ambiguity, strain with other biologic parent, and communication problems.
binuclear family
post-divorce family in which the biologic children are members of two nuclear housholds. Children alternate between the home of the mother and home of the father.
Nonmarital heterosexual cohabitating family
describes the heterosexual couple who may or may not have children and who live together outside of marriage.
Gay and lesbian families
those in which two or more people who share a same-sex orientation live together( with or without children), and those in which a gay or lesbian single parent rears a child.
Family development
the dynamics or changes that a family experiences over time, including changes in relationships, communication patterns, roles, and interactions.
the beliefs, values, attitudes, and practices that are accepted by a population, a community, or and individual.
a social identity that is associated with shared behaviors and patterns. These include family structure, religious affiliation, language, dress, eating habits, and health behaviors.
the process by which people adapt to a new cultural norm.
when a group completely changes its cultural identity to become part of the majority culture.
a behavior or thing that is to be avoided
the conviction that the values and beliefs of one’s own cultural group are the best or only acceptable ones.
Complementary therapy
any procedure or product that is used as an adjunct to conventional medical treatment.
Alternative therapy
substance or procedure that is used in place of conventional medicine. Not usually available in conventional clinics or hospitals, thus insurance doesn’t typically cover.
substance that can produce symptoms to a healthy person can be used to treat similar symptoms of an unhealthy person.
Allopathic medicine
uses remedies the produce affects differing, or in opposition to- those of the disease being treated.
Naturopathy or Natural Medicine
a healing system that combines safe and effective traditional means of preventing and treating disease with the most current advances in modern medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
seeks to ensure the balance of energy, which is called chi or qi.
What therapeutic techniques are employed in TCM?
Acupuncture, Acupressure, Herbal therapy, Qigong, T’ai chi, Moxibustion
Method used to help individuals learn to control their physiologic responses based on the concept that the mind controls the body.
a state of great mental and physical relaxation during which a person is very open to suggestions.
Guided imagery
a state of intense, focused concentration used to create compelling mental images.
Chiropractic therapy
based on the concept of manipulation to address health problems that are thought to be the result of abnormal nerve transmissions (subluxation) caused by misalignment of the spine.
Massage therapy
the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body to reduce stress and tension, increase circulation, diminish pain, and promote a sense of well-being.
Therapeutic Touch
a complementary therapy meant to be used with conventional medical care and grounded in the belief that people are a system of energy with a self-healing potential.