Chapter 2 Flashcards
Environmental topics for epidemiology

- Air Pollution
- Chemicals
- Climate Change
- Water Pollution
What Is Environmental Epidemiology?
- Study of diseases and health conditions (occurring in the population) linked to environmental factors
- Exposures usually involuntary
Epidemiology’s Contributions to Environmental Health
- Concern with populations
- Use of observational data
- Methodology for study designs
- Descriptive and analytic studies
Concern with Populations
- Environmental epidemiology studies the entire population.
- Sometimes called population medicine
–Example: Is lung cancer mortality higher in areas with higher concentrations of “smokestack” industries?
Use of Observational Data
- Epidemiology is primarily an observational science.
- Takes advantage of naturally occurring situations to study the occurrence of disease
Methodology for Study Designs
•Characteristic study designs used frequently in environmental epidemiology
Methodology for Study Designs
•Characteristic study designs used frequently in environmental epidemiology
Two Classes of
Epidemiologic Studies
–Depiction of the occurrence of disease in populations according to classification by person, place, and time variables
–Examines causal (etiologic) hypotheses regarding the association between exposures and health conditions
Measures of Disease Frequency
- Prevalence
- Point prevalence
- Incidence
- Incidence rate
- Case fatality rate
•Number of existing cases of or deaths from a disease or health condition in a population at some designated time
Point Prevalence
•All cases of or deaths from a disease or health condition that exist at a particular point in time relative to a specific population from which the cases are derived
Formula for Point Prevalence
Point prevalence =
Number of persons ill / Total number in the group
at a point in time
•Occurrence of new disease or mortality within a defined period of observation (e.g., a week, month, year, or other time period) in a specified population
Formula for Incidence Rate
Incidence rate =
Number of new cases over a time period / Average population at risk during the same time period
x multiplier (e.g., 100,000)
Case Fatality Rate (CFR)
•Measure of the lethality of a disease
Formula for Case Fatality Rate (CFR)
CFR(%) =
Number of deaths due to disease “X” /
Number of cases of disease “X”
x 100 during a time period
Major Historical Figure:
Sir Percival Pott (1714–1788)
- London surgeon
- Thought to be the first individual to describe environmental cause of cancer
–Chimney sweeps had high incidence of scrotal cancer due to contact with soot.
Major Historical Figure:
John Snow
- English anesthesiologist
- Linked cholera outbreak in London to contaminated water from the Thames River in the mid-1800s
- Employed a “natural experiment,” a methodology used currently in studies of environmental health problems
Odds Ratio (OR)
- Measure of association between exposure and outcome
- Used in case-control studies
- Exposure-odds ratio
–“ratio of the odds in favor of exposure among the cases [A/C] to the odds in favor of exposure among non-cases [the controls, B/D]”
Odds Ratio Table
Odds Ratio Equation
OR= (A/C)/(B/D) = AD/BC
Note: OR >1 (when statistically significant) suggests a positive association between exposure and disease or other outcomes.
Relative Risk (RR)
•Ratio of the incidence rate of a disease or health outcome in an exposed group to the incidence rate of the disease or condition in a nonexposed group
Relative Risk (RR) Table
TABLE 2.3 Table for a Cohort Study
RR Equation
Notes: When an association is statistically significant:
RR > 1 indicates that the risk of disease is greater in the exposed group than in the nonexposed group.
RR < 1 indicates a possible protective effect.
Study Endpoints
- Self-reported
- Physiologic or clinical examinations
- Mortality
Figure 2.11 The epidemiologic triangle
What Is the
Epidemiologic Triangle?
- Used to describe causality of infectious diseases
- Provides framework for organizing the causality of other types of environmental problems
Environment in the “Triangle”
- Domain in which disease-causing agents may exist, survive, or originate
- Consists of “All that which is external to the individual human host.”
Host in the “Triangle”
•“person or other living animal, including birds and arthropods, that affords subsistence or lodgment to an INFECTIOUS AGENT under natural conditions”
Agent in the “Triangle”
•“factor (e.g., a microorganism, chemical substance, form of radiation, mechanical, behavioral, social agent or process) whose presence, excessive presence, or (in deficiency diseases) relative absence is essential for the occurrence of a disease”
•Certain criteria need to be taken into account in the assessment of a causal association between an agent factor (e.g., exposure) and a disease (e.g., outcome).
Bias in Environmental
Epidemiologic Studies
- Definition of bias
- The healthy worker effect
- Confounding
Limitations of Epidemiologic Studies
- Long latency periods
- Low incidence and prevalence
- Difficulties in exposure assessment
- Nonspecific effects