CHAPTER 1C: Weather Basis (Meteorology) Flashcards
electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun
Solar Radiation
rate at which solar radiation reaches the upper limits of earth atmosphere on a surface normal to the incident radiation and at earth’s mean distance from the sun
Solar Constant
Common value of Solar Constant
1,374 W/m2
“short” wavelengths (range 0.1 to 4.0 μm)
Solar radiation
“long” wavelengths (4.0 to 50 μm)
Terrestrial radiation
percent of the incoming solar
radiation that is reflected from
a surface
affects the solar radiation received at any
location and time
Sun-Earth Geometry
when the sun is farthest
from the earth (occurs about
July 4)
when the sun is nearest
from the earth (occurs about
January 3)
when the sun’s apparent path is displaced farthest north (Tropic of
Cancer) or south (Tropic of Capricorn) from the earth’s equator.
2 Types of Solstice
Summer Solstice
Winter Solstice
when the sun passes directly over the equator or when the sun’s
apparent path and plane of the earth’s equator coincide.
occur because the tilt of the Earth’s axis keeps constant as the Earth revolves around the Sun.
Weather becomes stormy when______ falls and becomes fair when it rises
air pressure
instrument used to
measure pressure
amount of heat energy possessed
by an object
amount of water
vapor in the air
the amount of water in the
air in relation to the
maximum amount of water
vapor (moisture). The higher
the temperature, the more
water vapor the air can hold.
Relative humidity
Air would rise near the equator and travel in the
upper atmosphere toward the poles, then cool, descend into the lower
atmosphere, and return toward the equator.
Hadley Circulation
produces the changes in wind direction and velocity
towards the equator
Coriolis effect
heated air ascends at the equator,
proceeds toward the poles
at upper levels, loses heat
and descends toward the
ground at latitude 30°
Tropical Cell
driven frictionally by the other two;
its surface air flows toward the pole, producing prevailing westerly air flow in the mid-latitudes
Middle Cell
air rises at 60° and flows toward the poles
at upper levels, then cools and flows back to 60° near
the earth’s surface
Polar Cell
There are ____ types of climate in the philippines
4 (Type I to Type IV)
a belt of low pressure which circles the Earth generally near the equator where the trade winds of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres come together. It is characterized by convective activity which generates often vigorous thunderstorms over large areas.
ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone)
general term for a weather system in which winds rotate inwardly to an area of low atmospheric pressure.
For large weather systems, the circulation pattern is in a _________ in the Northern Hemisphere and a _______ in the Southern
counterclockwise direction; clockwise direction
Tropical Cyclones Classifications
- Tropical Depression
- Tropical Storm
- Severe Tropical Storm
- Typhoon
- Super Typhoon
Tropical Cyclones Classification: winds of up to 61 kph
tropical depression
Tropical Cyclones Classification: winds of up 62-88 kph
tropical storm
Tropical Cyclones Classification: winds of up to 89-117 kph
Severe tropical storm
Tropical Cyclones Classification: winds of up to 118-220 kph
Tropical Cyclones Classification: winds exceeding 220 kph
super typhoon
PAGASA’s storm warning system: winds of 30-60 kph in next 24 hrs
Signal #1
PAGASA’s storm warning system: winds of 61-120 kph in next 24 hrs
Signal #2
PAGASA’s storm warning system: winds of 121-170 kph in next 18 hrs
Signal #3
PAGASA’s storm warning system: winds of 171-220 kph in next 12 hrs
Signal #4
PAGASA’s storm warning system: winds of 220 kph in next 12 hrs
Signal #5
A part of tropical cyclone structure which has area of heaviest rain and strongest wind speeds
Eye Wall
A part of tropical cyclone structure which has area where the wind and rain are lightest
If a storm originates from North Atlantic Ocean, central North Pacific Ocean, and eastern North Pacific Ocean
If a storm originates from Northwest Pacific Ocean
If a storm originates from South Pacific and Indian Ocean
Tropical Cyclone
transition zone between two different air masses at the Earth’s surface.
Types of Front
- Cold Front
- Warm Front
- Occluded Front
- Stationary Front
- Summer Monsoon
- Hot and Moist wind from Indian
Ocean which may strengthen tropical
“Habagat” or Southwest Monsoon
- Winter monsoon
- Dry and cold wind from Siberia which
may weaken tropical cyclones
“Amihan” or Northeast Monsoon
a westward-moving, wavelike disturbance of low atmospheric pressure embedded in tropical easterly winds.
Easterly Waves
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal (TCWS) #1
wind impact: no damage to very light damage
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal (TCWS) #2
wind impact: light to moderate damage
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal (TCWS) #3
wind impact: moderate to heavy damage
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal (TCWS) #4
wind impact: heavy to very heavy damage
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal (TCWS) #5
wind impact: very heavy and widespread damage, phenomenal
3 Thunderstorm Warning Sytem (TSTM-WS) Warning Levels
INFORMATION: small chance
WATCH: likely to form in next 12 hrs
WARNING: alarming in certain areas within next 2 hrs
3 Heavy Rainfall Warning System (HR-WS) Flooding Warning Levels
WARNING: flooding is possible (monitor)
ALERT: flooding is alarming (ready for evacuation)
EMERGENCY: serious flooding is damaging (evacuate)