Chapter 19 - Chargeable Gains For Companies Flashcards
When a company disposes of shares it has to match it’s disposal of shares with it’s acquisitions in what order?
1) Acquisitions made on the same day as date of disposal.
2) Acquisitions made within previous 9 days.
3) Shares in the s.104 pool (consists of shares acquired on or after 1 April 1982).
Are companies entitled to an annual exemption in arriving at their taxable gains?
NO - companies do not get an annual exemption.
What are the elements of a share pool for companies?
3 columns - cost, no. of shares & indexed cost.
Does indexation occur in the share pool for companies?
Yes - this is calculated for each operative event (whenever shares acquired or disposed).
But DON’t round the indexed rise to 3dp.
Is an indexed rise calculated prior to a bonus or rights issue?
Bonus issue - no - as this is not an operative event as there is no issue of new shares, just reorganisation of share capital.
Rights issue - yes - this is an operative event.
When is the last time the pool will be indexed?
Pool is indexed for the last time for the period to December 2017.
What is the substantial shareholding exemption?
Where if one company sells shares out of a substantial shareholding (10%+) in a TRADING company, any gain on the sale of those shares will be exempt. (Subject to meeting 12M holding requirement in last 6 years).