Chapter 19 Flashcards
Yeast two hybrid system
Yeast Two-hybrid system
Protein A is fused to DNA-binding domain of Gal4. Protein B is fused to an activating domain.
Neither protein alone, when expressed in yeast cell, activates the reporter gene carrying Gal4- binding sites.
When both hybrid genes are expressed together in a yeast cell, the interaction between protein A and B generates a complete activator, and the reporter gene is expressed.
The Two-Hybrid assay can be used to screen a library of candidates (prey) that will interact with a known starting protein (bait)
DNA binding functions of activators
Activators have separate DNA-binding and activating functions
An example of eukaryotic activator Gal4. It activates the transcription of galactose genes for galactose metabolsim in the yeast.
Gal4 binds to 4 sites located 275bp upstream of the GAL1 gene. When bound there, in the presence of galactose, Gal4 activates transcription of the GAL1 gene 1000-fold.
Activating regions as not well defined structures
Activating regions are not well-defined structures
Instead of being characterized by structure, activating regions are grouped on the basis of amino acid content. They have been shown to form helical structures when interacting with their targets within the transcriptional machinery. They also have equally critical hydrophobic residues.
It is believed the a activating regions consist of reiterated small units, each of which has a weak activating capacity on its own. This is consistent with the idea that activating regions lack an overall structure and act simply as rather indiscriminate “sticky” surface. Imagine an activating region folds into precise three dimensional structure comparable to and DNA-binding domain, fragments of the structure would not be expected to retain the fraction of the DNA-binding activity of the intact domain.
1. The activating region of Gal4, is called an “acidic” activating region, reflecting a preponderance of acidic amino acid. (mutations that increase the overall acidity of the activating region will increase the activator’s potency.
2. SP1 activator has glutamine-rich activating regions.
3. CTF1 activator has proline-rich activating regions.
Activators recruit the transcriptional machinery to the gene.
Activators recruit the transcriptional machinery to the gene.
The eukaryotic transcriptional machinery contains numerous proteins in addition to RNA polymerase. Activators interact with one or more of these complexes and recruit them to the gene.
A typical acidic activating region can interact with components of the mediator and with subunits of TFIID.
How to define a region of DNA that recruit a specific protein?
ChIP assay (chromatin immunoprecipitation)
To identify any DNA than can bind to a given protein: ChI-chip or ChIP-seq
Activation of transcription through direct tethering of mediator to DNA.
Activation of transcription through direct tethering of mediator to DNA.
Similar activator bypass experiment works in yeast.
In this case, the GAL1 gene is activated, in the absence of the usual activator Gal4, by the fusion of DNA-binding domain of LexA to a component of the mediator complex (Gal11/Med15). Activation depends on LexA DNA- binding sites being inserted upstream of the gene.
Activators recruiting nucleosome modifiers to help the
transcriptional machinery bind at the promoter / initiate
Activators also recruit nucleosome modifiers that help the
transcriptional machinery bind at the promoter or initiate
Nucleosome modifiers: (left) histone acetyltransferase (HATs), which add acetyl group. Addition of acetyl group to histone tails alters the interaction between those tails and adjacent nucleosomes. This modification is said to “loosen” chromatin structure, freeing up sites transcriptional machinery binding.
Acetylated nucleosomes also have higher affinity to TFIID (which is a different mechanism).
(right) SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling factors. Activator recruits a nucleosome remodeler, which alters the sturcture of nucleosomes around the promoter, rendering it accessible and capable of binding the transcriptional machinery.
Activators recruit additional factors needed for efficient initiation or elongation at some promoters
After phosphorylation by TFIIH of serine 5 in the “ tail”, polymerase initiates transcription. But in some promoters, it then pauses until a second phosphorylation on serine 2 is achieved through recruitment (by an activator) of kinase P-TEFb (which is found in the SEC complex.
• P-TEFb is a part of a larger complex, the SEC (super elongation complex), which releases paused Pol II from the proximal promoter. Pausing is mediated by the complex called NELF.
• A strong acidic activator like Gal4 is able to recruit P-TEFb/SEC along with the rest of the transcriptional machinery.
Transcriptional repressors
Transcriptional repressors
• In bacteria, repressors can bind to the sites overlapping with the promoters, and block RNA polymerase from binding there. They can also bind to the sites adjacent to the promoters, and by interacting with polymerase bound there, and inhibiting the enzyme from initiating transcription. They can also interfere with the action of activators.
• In eukaryotes, we see all of these except the first one. We also see another form of repression, perhaps the most common in eukaryotes: repressors can recruit nucleosome modifiers. In this case, the enzymes have the opposite effects to those recruited by activators. The compact the chromatin or remove groups recognized by the transcriptional machinery.
• Example, histone deacetylase represses transcription by removing acetyl groups from the tails of histones. (not absolute, histone deacetylase is also recruited to active genes to ensure transcription fidelity. Nucleosome are deacetylated behind elongating Pol II to prevent the use of “cryptic” promoters within the transcription unit.)
• Other enzymes add methyl groups to histone tails, and this frequently represses transcription, although in some cases it is associated with an actively transcribed gene.
Enhancer mechs
Mechanism enhancer action is still a mystery. Cohesin protein has been implicated in stabilizing enhancer-promoter loops. A protein called Chip aids in communication between enhancer and promoter. (Chip mutation in Drosophila affects the strength of enhancer activity of an enhancer on cut gene)
Four models:
1.Change in topology. Binding of a gene-specific transcription factor causes supercoiling, facilitating the binding of general transcription factor and polymerase to the promoter.
2.Sliding. A transcription factor binds to the enhancer and slides down the DNA to the promoter.
3.Looping. A transcription factor binds to the enhancer, and by looping out the DNA in between, binds to and facilitates the binding of general transcription factors and polymerase to the promoter.
4.Facilitated tracking. A transcription factor binds to the enhancer causes a short DNA fragment to loop out downstream. Increasing size of the loop allows the factor to track along the DNA until it reaches the promoter.
Insulators blocking activation of enhancers
Insulator blocks the communication between the enhancer and the promoter. Insulators often bind a large zinc-finger protein CTCF. It is now believed that CTCF also binds cohesin and this complex forms a chromosomal loop with the nearest promoter, thereby precluding enhancers distal to the insulator for forming a similar loop.
Insulators also inhibit the spread of chromatin modifications. Propagation of certain repressing histone modification over stretches of chromatin (multiple genes) lies at the heart of a phenomenon called transcriptional silencing.
Experimental implication: A transgene inserted at random into mammalian genome is often “silenced” because it is incorporated into the dense form of chromatin called heterochromatin. If insulators are placed upstream and downstream from that gene, they protect it from silencing.
Locus control regions and beta globin gene
Appropriate regulation of some groups of genes requires locus control regions
The human globin genes are expressed in red blood cells of adults and in various cells in the lineage that forms red blood cells during development. Different globin genes are expressed at different developmental stages: start with ε (in the fetus), then the γ gene, followed by δ and culminating with the expression of β-globin after birth.
The β-globin gene (which is expressed in adult bone marrow) has two enhancers: one upstream of the promoter and the other downstream. Only in adult bone marrow are the correct regulators are active and present in appropriate concentrations to bind thee enhancers. But more than this is required to switch on the various globin genes in the correct order.
Regulation by LCRs
Regulation by LCRs
Locus control region, or LCR, is found 30- 50kb upstream of the whole cluster of globin genes. A similar GCR (global control region) controls HoxD gene cluster.
The LCR is made up of multiple sequence elements. Some have property of enhancers. Other parts of the LCR act more like insulator elements, and still others seem to have properties of promoters.
Recent experiments using chromosome conformation capture technique allows the locations of LCR and promoter to be visualized in cells during activation. Regulatory proteins that bound to the upstream regulatory sequences are found in close proximity to the promoters as that promoter is active. This is consistent with the idea that proteins bound at LCRs interact with others at the promoter, with the intervening DNA looping out to accommodate the interaction.
Activators work synergistically to integrate signals
When multiple activators work together, they often do so synergistically. That is, two activators working together is greater than the sum of each of them working alone.
• Synergy can result from
(A) Cooperative binding through direct
interaction between two proteins;
(B) Similar effect is achieved by both protein interacting with a common third protein;
(C) The first protein recruits a nucleosome remodeler whose action reveals a binding site for the second protein;
(D) The binding of the first protein unwind the DNA from the nucleosome a little, reveals the binding site for the second protein.
Co binational control and its different levels
Combinatorial control lies at the heart of the complexity and diversity of eukaryotes
(a) Gene A is controlled by 4 signals.
(b) GeneBiscontrolledby3 signals.
Each signal is communicated to a gene by one regulatory protein. Regulatory protein 3 acts at both genes, in combination with different additional regulators in the two cases.
Two levels of combinatorial control:
A. Multiple activator work synergistically
B. A regulator controls multiple genes
Transcriptional repressors
Transcriptional repressors
• In bacteria, repressors can bind to the sites overlapping with the promoters, and block RNA polymerase from binding there. They can also bind to the sites adjacent to the promoters, and by interacting with polymerase bound there, and inhibiting the enzyme from initiating transcription. They can also interfere with the action of activators.
• In eukaryotes, we see all of these except the first one. We also see another form of repression, perhaps the most common in eukaryotes: repressors can recruit nucleosome modifiers. In this case, the enzymes have the opposite effects to those recruited by activators. The compact the chromatin or remove groups recognized by the transcriptional machinery.
• Example, histone deacetylase represses transcription by removing acetyl groups from the tails of histones. (not absolute, histone deacetylase is also recruited to active genes to ensure transcription fidelity. Nucleosome are deacetylated behind elongating Pol II to prevent the use of “cryptic” promoters within the transcription unit.)
• Other enzymes add methyl groups to histone tails, and this frequently represses transcription, although in some cases it is associated with an actively transcribed gene.
Repression of GAL1 gene in yeast
In the presence of glucose, Mig1 binds a site between the UASg and the GAL1 promoter. By recruiting Tup1 repressing complex, Mig1 represses the expression of GAL1.
• Repression is likely the result of deacetylation of local nucleosome (Tup1 recruits a deacetylase) and also perhaps of direct contacting and inhibiting the transcriptional machinery.
• In an experiment, when Tup1 is fused to a DNA-binding domain and a site for that domain is place upstream of a gene, then expression of the gene is repressed.
Signal transduction pathways
Signals are often communicated to transcriptional regulators through signal transduction pathways
• Whether a gene is expressed or not very often depends on environmental signals.
• Signals: refer to the initiating ligand– sugar, protein
• Cell surface receptors: allosteric change in the receptor
• Cascade of kinases: protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, proteolysis and other modifications are also used.
• transcription factor binds to DNA and activation of transcription.
JAK-STAT signaling pathway
STAT: signal transducer and activator of transcription.
Cytokine binding to the receptor brings together the receptor chains. Each chain has JAK attached in the intracellular domain. Bringing the chains together leads to the phosphylation of the receptor chain by JAK kinase. The phosphorylated receptors are recognized by a cytoplasmic protein STAT, and STAT is recruited to the receptor, and gets phosphorylated by JAK kinase. Phosphorylated STAT forms dimer and moves into the nucleus, binds to DNA and activate downstream gene expression.
MAPK mechanism
Growth factor binding to the receptor leads to receptor dimerization and phosphorylation. This phosphorylation recruits Grb1 adaptor protein. Grb1 binds SOS, a guanine nucleotide exchange
factor (Ras GEF). SOS, in turn, binds Ras protein, which is attached to the inside surface of the
cell membrane. SOS triggers Ras to exchange it bound GDP for a GTP, and Ras undergoes a conformational change. In this new conformation, Ras activates a kinase at the top of kinase cascade, MAPKKK, which in turn phosphorylate MAPKK. MAPKK further phosphorylates MAPK (Erk). This MAPK then enters nucleus and phosphorylates several substrates, including transcription activator c-Jun, and other genes.
Signals controls the activities of eukaryotic transcriptional regulators in a variety of ways
Unmasking an activating region
1. GAL4 is active only in the presence of glactose. However, In the absence or presence of galactose, Gal4 is found bound to its sites upstream of GAL1 gene.
2. But in the absence of galactose, Gal4 is masked by a masking protein Gal80.
3. In the presence of galactose, Gal3 binds to Gal80, reveals the activating regions of Gal4. Gal80 is dissociated with Gal4 in the presence of galactose.
• Transport in and out of the nucleus
NFКB is held in the cytoplasm by IКB, but moves to the nucleus in response to TNF-α treatment.
Transcriptional silencing
Transcriptional silencing: in this context is a position effect. A gene is silenced because of where it is located, not in response to specific environmental signal.
• Heterochromatin: a dense form of chromatin which is the most common form of gene silencing. (visualized by DAPI staining under the scope: brighter staining)
• Heterochromatin is frequently associated with telomeres and centromeres.
• Transcription can be silenced by methylation of DNA by enzymes called DNA methylase. This kind of silencing is not found in yeast but is common in
mammalian cells. DNA methylation can inhibit binding of proteins, including the transcriptional machinery, and thereby block gene expression. Methylated DNA can also be specifically recognized by repressors that Then switch off nearby genes, often by recruiting Histone modifying enzymes.
Transcriptional silencing in yeast
Silencing at the yeast telomere. Chromatin at the telomeres is less acetylated. Rap1 (DNA-binding protein) recruits Sir complex to the telomere. Sir2, a component of the complex, deacetylates nearby nucleosome. The unacetylated tails themselves then bind Sir3 and Sir4, recruiting more Sir complex, allowing the Sir2 within it to act on nucleosomes further away, and so on. This explains the spreading of the silencing effect produced by deacetylation.
Other mechanisms: RNAi machinery. Histone methylation. Methylation of Lys-9 in the H3 (H3K tail is associated with silenced heterochromatin.
In drosophila, HP1 recognizes methylated histone and condense chromatin
Acetylated residues within histones are recognized by proteins bearing bromodomains, methylated residues bind protein with chromodomains. HP1 protein, a component of silent heterochromatin in drosophila, contains chromodomains to interact with methylated histone H3.
• Su(Var)3-9 protein is a histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9) methyltransferase.
• Position effect variegation. The white gene of drosophila produces the red color in the wild-type eye. When it is mutated, eyes are white (hence the name of the gene). When the wildtype gene is inserted adjacent to heterochromatin, the expression is variegated, with some cells expressing the gene and some not (left).
• Mutation in Su(Var)3-9 gene suppresses this variegation.
• It is thought that Su(Var)3-9 can also be recruited to specific euchromatic genes by sequence-specific DNA- binding proteins, thereby leading to gene-specific histone methylation and transcriptional repression by HP1.
Polycomb repressors
(A) Polycomb (PC) is an important group of repressors in animal cells. Two polycomb repressive complexes, PRC1 and PRC2 are found. PRC2 complex is recruited by sequence-specific DNA-binding protein (Pho-RC) that interact with Polycomb response element (PREs). PRCS contains a histone methyltransferase (Enhancer of Zeste) that trimethylates lysine-27 (K27) of the Histone H3 tail. This methylation leads to recruitment of PRC1 complex, which leads to either chromatin condensation or positioning of a nucleosome at or near the transcription start site.
(B) The potential role of H3K27me3 in chromatin looping. The resulting DNA loop would juxtapose the Polycomb group complexes and the transcribed regions, where PRCs could further spread H3K27 methylation, compact local nucleosomes, and or impede RNA polymerase.
So H3K9 methylation is linked to gene silencing by HP1, while H3K27 trimethylation underlies gene silencing by Polycomb.
Histone code
Histone code: Different patterns of modification on histone tails at a given gene could be read to mean different things.
• H3K27 methylation is seen at many repressed genes, whereas H3K4 methylation is associated with active genes.
• The Histone code hypothesis is still controversial: Many of the modifications may be the consequence of the gene being “on” or “off”, not the cause.
DNA methylation is associated with silenced genes in mammalian cells
DNA methylation is associated with silenced genes in mammalian cells
• Large regions of the mammalian genome are marked by methylation of DNA sequences, and often DNA methylation is seen in regions that are also heterochromatic.
• Methylated DNA sequences are often recognized by DNA-binding proteins (such as MeCP2) that recruit histone deacetylase and histone methylase, which then modify nearby chromatin.
DNA methyltransferase methylates cytosine within the promoter sequence
MeCP2 ((methyl CpG binding protein 2) recognizes 5-methylcytosine
DNA methylation and genomic imprinting
DNA methylation lies at the heart of a phenomenon called imprinting. In a diploid cell, there are two copies of most genes, one inherited from the father and one from the mother. In majority of cases, they are expressed at comparable levels. But there are a few cases in which one copy of a gene is expressed while the other is silent.
• H19 and IGF2 gene. In a given cell, one copy of H19 is expressed, while the other copy is switched off. For IGF2, the reverse is true. An insulator (called imprinting control region ICR) is located between H19 and IGF2.
Epigenetic regulation
Epigenetic regulation
• epigenetics is the study of cellular and physiological traits that are heritable by daughter cells and not caused by changes in the DNA sequence.
• Epigenetic regulation: the inheritance of gene expression patterns in the absence of initiating signal.
• Pattern of gene expression must sometimes be inherited. A signal released by one cell during development causes neighboring cells to switch on specific genes. Some genes may have to maintain switched on for many generations. These are in contrast with the activity of activator that is only active in the presence of a given signal.
Some states of gene expression are inherited through cell division even when the initiating signal is no longer present
When lysogenic state is established in phage infected cells, its state is maintained stably even under improved growth conditions.
• Two steps: (A) repessor cI gene is activated by activator cII; (B) repressor synthesis is regulated by autoregulation: repressor activates the expression of its own gene.
Similar mechanisms exist in multicellular organisms.