Chapter 19 Flashcards
What is stated in the written plan (IEP) for a student in special education
The IEP explains the specific educational objectives and placement for a particular student.
Why is the IEP a management tool for the entire assessment process?
The IEP is the critical link between the students in special education and the special teaching that the student requires.
What is the purpose of the Academical/Educational Achievement and Learning Characteristics?
They address the current levels of knowledge and development in subject and sill area, including activities of daily living, level of intellectual functioning, adaptive behavior, expected rate of progress in acquiring skills and information, and learning style.
What are annual goals?
Annuals goals are statements, inmeasurable terms that describe what the student can reasonably be expected to accomplish within a 12-month period.
What are benchmarks?
Benchmarks are short-term objectives that are required only for children with disabilities who take alternate assessments aligned to alternate achievement standards.
What is the date of initiation of services?
The date when the IEP is to be implemented.
What is the projected date of review?
The date when review of IEP is expected to be reviewed.
What is the date of eligibility?
THe date when the student was first identified as a student with a disability and eligible for special education programs and services.
What is the date of reevaluation?
The date when the next reevaluation of the student is expected to occur. Must occure at least every 3 years.
What is medical alerts/prescriptive devices?
Any information that should be readily available to all teachers and other appropriate school personnel, such as medications or specific health-related conditions requiring either constant or intermitten care by a qualified individual (glasses, hearing aids, and allergic reactions).
What is social development?
It describes the quality of the student’s relationshipts with peers and adults, feelings about self, social adjustment to school and community environments, and behaviors that my impede learning.
What is physical development?
It describes the student’s motor and sensory development, health , vitality, and physical skills or limitations that pertain to the learning process.
What are management needs?
Management needs describe the nature of and degree to which environmental modifications and human or material resources are required to address academic, social, and physical needs.
Describe the resource room.
This service is recommended when the eligibility committee feels that the child’s poor performance is directly related to disabilities in language or speech development.
What are related services?
These are school-based services that the child with a disability will be receiving that provide support for him or her and enhance educational performance.