Chapter 18 Welding Theory Questions Flashcards
An increase in sparks on clean metal means a decrease in weld temperature
() is the easiest metal to gas weld.
mild steel
to prevent burnthrough, a torch should be raised or tilted, keeping the outerflame envelope over the molten weld pool until it solidifies
The flat () joint can be made with or without the addition of filler metal. This joint is one of the easiest welded joints to make.
the outside corner
Gas welding cannot be used on thick sections of metal
It is permissible to lower the size of the torch flame when the correct tip size is unavailable
It is considered good practice in the field to stop a weld at the corner of a joint.
One of the characteristics of a(n) () join is that one side of the metal will melt faster
tee joint
Welding heat distortion and weld metal shrinkage are common problems caused by using an oxyacetylene torch to make large flat weldments.
Heat is not distributed uniformly in the () joint
During the welding process, the more frequently you add filler metal, the larger the weld would be.
() the torch off is a process in which the torch is quickly moved away from the weld for a fraction of a second and then brought back to the welding position
A(n) () joint is made by aligning the edges of two pieces of flat metal together so they are next to each other
butt joint
a problem that is unique to the () joint is that a large percentage of the welding heat is reflected back onto the torch.
tee joint
The ideal angle for welding torch is () degrees
() is the depth into the base metal that the weld fusion or melting extends from the surface, excluding any reinforcement.
Changing the torch angle changes the percentage of heat that is transferred into the metal
An advantage of gas welding is that by changing the size of the tip you can change the welding
The flat tee joint is more difficult to make than te butt and lap joints
The () joint is made when one piece of metal is laid over the edge of another