Chapter 18 APUSH Flashcards
Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire
146 workers killed–mostly young women from Europe from a fire
happening or developing gradually
Progressive era
Political movement that seeked the advance of human condition through social reform (Science, tech., social organization)
Named by Teddy rosevelt, they were jurnalists and novelists of the progressive era who wanted to expose corruption in big bussiness and gov.
Upton Sinclair-The Jungle
book that describes the savage nature of packingtown. –exposes the appaling work conditions of the meat packing industry
Ellis island/Angel Island
Chinese immagrints were held on Angel island for weeks, months, or even years while waiting for hearings on their applications
Symbolic of the cultural diversity of early twntieth century America
Henry ford
famous for being the founder of Ford Motor Company–invented several vehicles Moved T
Assembly line (HF)
Allowed for the work to be taken to workers rathern than the worker moving to and around to vehicle
Involves the use of the ‘assembly line’
Scientific management
the theory of management that analyzes workflows–imprving economic efficiency
Socialist Party
political party formed in 1901, opposing capatilism and wanted a radical democracy where people controled their own lives. Classles, femenist, socialist society with no racism, sexism.
Eugene V Debs
American socialist leader–five time presidential candidate for the social democratic party of US. Received one million votes for pres while in jail
AFL (American federation of Labour)
Focused on obtaining rights to bargain collectivly for wages, hours, and working conditions
Collective bargaining
The process in which working people,through unions, negotiate contracts with employers
IWW (industrial workers of the World)
Labour organization founded in chicago in 1905 by representatives of 43 groups
Big Bill Haywood
member of the executive commitee of the socialist party. Founding member and leader of IWW
Lawrence strike
Striking of workers of mostly immagrants who protested for better wages and shorter week.–were attacked and beaten by police and at least one killed by massachusets state militia
Mother Jones
A fiery woman and fearless organizer for the Mine Workers during 1900-1920
Who founded the Birth control league, and what was it?
Founded by Margeret Sanger–precursor of planned parenthood.
Oregon System
Package of reforms–set of political tools that put more power in the hands of the electorate. Women gained right to vote in 1912 in oregon.
When did women gain the right to vote?
August 18, 1920
Wisconsis idea
Educucation»»should infuelnce peoples lived beyond the boundries of a classroom.
What was the 17th amendment?
Allowing voters to cast direct votes for US senators–prior=chosen by state legislatures
Jane Addams/hull house
Was a progressivce social reformer and activist who owned a mansion that helped over 9,000 people each week (mostly immigrants)
“New Woman”
new generation of active women, who beleived in womens suffrage, equal oppurtunities, and what they called rational dress
national consumers league–florence kelly
After she moved to New York, became head of NCL and worked to shorten work days and pay workers more.
Louis Brandeis
Judicial figure– advocater for everyday americans from 1856-1941
Muller v. Oregon
US supreme court case–important to progressive Era. It upheld Oregon law of limiting the workday of women earners to ten hours. (called women workers!)
Teddy Rosevelt/square deal
His domestic program, which reflected three goals–consevation of natural recourses, control of corporations, and consumer protection.
Northern securities
First example of roosevelts use of anti-trust legislation to dismantle monopoly.
Coal strike
a strike by the united mine workers of America in coalfeild for higher wages and shorter workdays. –gained these things and recognition.