Chapter 18 - Analysis of market risk Flashcards
Equity market features - Individual equities
Returns are rarely iid
Volatility varies over time
Extreme returns appear in clusters (volatility clustering)
Return series are leptokurtic (heavy-tailed and high peaked; kurtosis falls as period increases)
Explain kurtosis
Kurtosis measures the ‘peakedness’ of a distribution. Leptokurtic means thinner, more acute peaks, and fatter tails
Higher kurtosis means more of the variance is due to infrequent extreme deviations, as opposed to more frequent modest deviations
Equity market features - portfolio of equities
Correlations exist
Correlations vary over time
Multivariate returns show little evidence of cross-correlation (i.e. between time periods)
Multivariate series of absolute squared returns do show evidence of cross-correlation
Extreme returns in one series (equity) often coincide with extreme returns in another series (dependence appears higher during periods of volatility)
Which factors are represented by the Credit Spread?
Expected probability of default, and the expected loss (loss may leave residual value)
Any risk premium attached to risk of default (the uncertainty of the first point above)
A liquidity premium
Three common measures of credit spread
Static spread: addition to risk-free rate at which discounted cash flows from risk bond equate to its price (allows for term structure underlying risk free rate and term premium)
Option-adjusted spread: adjusts the discount rate through stochastic modelling to allow for options embedded in bond (market consistent)
Nominal spread: difference between gross redemption yields
Risks and returns can both be defined and measured with reference to chosen benchmarks, for example:
Strategic risk
Risk of poor performance of portfolio manager benchmark VS liability based benchmark
Active risk
Risk of poor performance of manager’s portfolio VS benchmark
Active return
Difference between actual return and benchmark
Measures of a good benchmark
Appropriate Trackable Reflective of current investment opinion Investable Unambiguous Measurable Specified in advance