Chapter 18 Flashcards
Influencer marketing (Northlich definition)
A series of personalized marketing techniques directed at individuals or groups who have the credibility and capability to drive positive word-of-mouth in a broader and salient segment of the population.
Role/goal of PR
♠ Foster goodwill between a firm and its many constituent groups (customers, stockholders, suppliers, employees, government entities…)
♠ Used strategically for damage control
♠ Launch & establish brands
♠ Persuade consumers to make purchases
♠ Do anything to appease disgruntled users of a brand
Stephen Brown quote
We have evolved to an intensely commercial world where TV shows feature stories about marketing and consumer psychology.
Digital media vs. mass media
Digital media offer the opportunity for firms to be part of the dialogue
Six primary objectives of PR
- Promoting goodwill - image-building function
- Promoting a product or service
- Preparing internal communications - disseminating information and correcting misinformation
- Counteracting negative publicity - damage-control function
- Lobbying
- Giving advice and counsel - preparing employees for public appearances…
Tools for public relations
♠ Press releases ♠ Feature stories ♠ Company Newsletters/e-Newsletters ♠ Interviews and Press Conferences ♠ Sponsored events ♠ Publicity
Typical categories of information that make for a good story
♠ New products launches ♠ New scientific discovery ♠ New personnel ♠ Annual shareholder meetings ♠ Charitable and community service activities
Publicity definiton
Essentially free media exposure about a firm’s activities or brands. It tends to carry heightened credibility
Proactive PR strategy definiton
‣ Takes an offensive approach
‣ Focuses on opportunities
‣ Guided by a brand’s marketing objectives
‣ Seeks to publicize a brand and build goodwill and buzz
Reactive PR strategy
‣ Takes a defensive approach
‣ Focuses on problems
‣ Guided by external pressures
‣ Seeks to quell negative publicity and recoup positive brand identity and public goodwill
Key components of PR program (proactive)
- PR audit
2. PR plan
PR audit definition
Identifies the characteristics of a firm’s activities that are positive and newsworthy
Components of a PR plan
♠ Situation analysis ♠ Program objectives ♠ Program rationale ♠ Communications vehicles ♠ Message content
Two steps that help implement a reactive PR strategy
- The PR audit
2. Identification of vulnerabilities
Influencer marketing categories
♠ Professional Influencer Programs
♠ Peer-to-Peer Programs
♠ Buzz and Viral Marketing
♠ Cultivating Connectors
Buzz marketing definition
Creating an event or experience that yields conversations that include the brand.
Viral marketing definiton
Process of consumers marketing to consumers via the Web or through personal contact stimulated by a firm marketing a brand.
Five T’s to generate buzz
♠ Talkers ♠ Topics ♠ Tools ♠ Taking part ♠ Tracking
BuzzMetrics what?
Provides services to clients for tracking word-of-moth activity across the Internet.
Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA)
Resource for learning about the art and science of buzz building