Chapter 18 Flashcards
a collection of individuals who have in common one or more personal or environmental characteristics.
Assessment Protocol for Excellence in Public Health
a planning tool developed for local health officials to assess the organization and management of the health department, provide a framework for working with community members and other organizations to assess the health status of the community, and establish the leadership role of the health department in the community.
change agent
nursing role that facilitates change in client or agency behavior to more readily achieve goals. This role stresses gathering and analyzing facts and implementing programs.
change partner
the nurse whose role is to act as an enabler-catalyst, teacher of problem-solving skills, and activist advocate with the client to create a positive outcome on the client’s behalf.
people and the relationships that emerge among them as they develop and use in common some agencies and institutions and a physical environment; a locality-based entity composed of systems of formal organizations reflecting society’s institutions, information groups, and aggregates and whose function or expressed intent is to meet a wide variety of collective needs. The target of population-centered practice.
community-as-partner model
an assessment guide model developed by Anderson and McFarlane in 1995 that illustrates how communities change and grow best by full involvement and self-empowerment. It presents an assessment wheel with people in the center and eight subsystems that affect and are affected by people surrounding them.
community assessment
process of critically thinking about the community and getting to know and understand the community as a client. Assessments help identify community needs, clarify problems, and identify strengths and resources.
community competence
process whereby the parts of a community—organizations, groups, and advocates—are able to collaborate effectively in identifying the problems and needs of the community, can achieve a working consensus on goals, and can collaborate effectively on the required actions.
community health
the meeting of collective needs by identifying problems and managing interactions within the community and the larger society; a function of the energy, the individuality, and the relationships of the community as a whole and of all its constituents. The goal of population-centered practice.
community health problems
actual or potential difficulties within a target population with identifiable causes and consequences in the environment.
community health strength
resources available to meet a community health need.
community partnership
collaborative decision-making process in which community members and professionals participate.
community reconnaissance
the Web-based equivalent of a physical assessment for an individual; “reconnaissance” refers to the use of Web-based resources to collect community-related data.
controlling the disclosure of personal information and limiting the access of others to sensitive information.
collection of gathered and generated data.
data collection
the process of acquiring existing information or developing new information.
data gathering
the process of obtaining existing, readily available data.
data generation
the development of data, frequently qualitative rather than numerical, by the data collector.
early adopters
individuals and/or groups with cosmopolitan rather than local orientations, with abilities to adopt new ideas from mass media rather than face-to-face information sources, and with specialized rather than global interests.
helping people acquire the skills and information necessary for informed decision making and ensuring that they have the authority to make decisions that affect them.
determining whether a service is needed and can be used when conducted as planned, and whether the service actually helps people in need.
the end or terminal point toward which intervention efforts are directed.
involves the work and activities aimed at achieving goals and objectives.
informant interviews
directed conversation with selected members of a community about community members or groups and events. A direct method of assessment.
interacting groups
a cluster of individuals who are linked by personal relationships. The links may be either primary, such as in family, or secondary, such as in a voluntary association.
the involvement between different groups or organizations within the community that are mutually reliant upon each other.
intervention activities
the strategies used to meet the objectives, the ways change will be effected, and the ways the problem cycle will be broken.
late adopters
individuals and/or groups who are the last to embrace change.
lay advisors
individuals who are influential in approving or vetoing new ideas and from whom others seek advice and information about new ideas.
mass media
newspapers, TV, radio, or other modes of communication to large audiences.
mediating structures
act both to support and to prevent change efforts at the community and individual levels.
Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnership (MAPP)
facilitated by public health leaders, this framework helps communities apply strategic thinking to prioritize public health issues and identify resources to address them.
nominal group
groups in which individuals work in the presence of one another but do not interact.
a precise behavioral statement of achievement that will accomplish partial or total realization of a goal. The date by which the achievement is expected is specified.
participant observation
conscious and systematic sharing in the life activities and occasionally in the interests and effects of a group of persons; observational methods of assessment; a direct method of data collection.
a relationship between individuals, groups, or organizations in which the parties are working together to achieve a joint goal. Often used synonymously with coalitions and alliances, although partnerships usually have focused goals, such as jointly providing a specific program. Partnerships involve informed, flexible, and negotiated distribution of power among all participants in the process of change for community health. The means for improved community health.
Planned Approach to Community Health (PATCH)
a process that involves and enables members of a community to plan, implement, and evaluate health promotion and disease prevention programs. The PATCH process helps a community establish a health promotion team, collect and use local data, set health priorities, and design and evaluate interventions.
population-centered practice
a clinical approach in which the nurse and community join in partnership and work together for healthful change.
likelihood that an intervention activity can be implemented.
problem analysis
process of identifying problem correlates and interrelationships and sustaining them with relevant data.
problem correlates
contributing factors to a problem.
problem prioritizing
evaluation of problems and establishment of priorities according to predetermined criteria.
program planning model
a program planning technique that uses normal groups to assess client problems and find ways to solve the problems.
role negotiation
two or more persons deciding together which tasks, activities, or responsibilities each will accept in a defined situation.
secondary analysis
method of assessment in which existing data are used.
method of assessment in which data from a sample of persons are reported to the data collector.
target practice
the client to be served by the nurse, such as individual, family, group, community, or population. May also be called unit of service.
the study of classification of communities by types.
belief about how one should or should not behave. Beliefs about the worth or importance of what is right or esteemed. Values are organized into value systems, and individual value systems reflect culture, reference groups, and personal needs.
windshield surveys
the motorized equivalent of a physical assessment for an individual; “windshield” refers to looking through the care windshield as the community health nurse drives through the community collecting data.