Chapter 17: Ultrasound Flashcards
Properties of ultrasound
Freq. > 20kHz
Wavelength < 1mm
Speed of sound in air = 330m/s
Speed of sound in body tissue = 1500m/s
How is ultrasound produced
Vibrating source w. freq. of ultrasound
Describe the piezoelectric effect
- Voltage applied in one direction causes crystal to contract, other to expand; i.e. v induces strain
- Varying stress from ultrasound applied to crystal induces varying e.m.f.
When is induced e.m.f. for piezoelectric crystal greatest
When freq. ultrasound = resonant frequency of crystal
What’s a transducer
The device that generates and detects ultrasound
Uses a piezoelectric crystal
Draw a diagram of a transducer
See page 251
How does an ultrasound scan work
Pulses of Ultrasound are directed into the body
Reflected when wave speed changes i.e. at tissue boundary
Time delay used to determine depth
Fraction of reflected signal used to identify tissue
What is impedance matching
Use gel w. similar acoustic impedance to skin to reduce ultrasound reflected before entering body
z value of air and skin v. diff. so lots reflected if no gel used
Describe an A scan
- 1 direction only -> find depth
- Used to work out thickness of bone etc: time between bone boundary pulses = time taken for ultrasound to travel 2x thickness of bone -> thickness = (ultrasound speed x change in time)/2
Describe a B scan
- Detailed image
- Transducer moved across body (position determined by small sensors
- Pulse determines depth and nature of reflecting surface
- 2D image built by positioning dots to represent reflecting surfaces
- Problems if organ is moving (scanner takes a few seconds to move across body)
Describe Doppler ultrasound
- Doppler effect occurs when waves are emitted/reflected/detected by a moving object
- If reflector is moving away from source, reflected waves are slightly longer than incident wave
- If the wavelength is longer but the speed stays the same, freq. will go down
- Greater the speed of reflector -> larger reflected wavelength -> larger decrease in freq.
- Speed of reflector deduced from change in frequency of waves
- Used to monitor blood flow i.e. constant speed or turbulent -> could indicate blockages