Chapter 17- Religion Flashcards
A cultural system of commonly shared beliefs and rituals that provides a sense of meaning and purpose by creating an idea of reality that is sacred, all-encompassing, and supernatural.
Religion is a form of culture and a cultural universal
All religions have a behavioral aspect
Religion provides a sense of purpose in life
Not concerned with truth of religion
Focus is on the organization and institutionalization
Often see religions as unifying but also see where they can lead to conflicts
Religious is explained by social, rather than psychical or spiritual factors
Sociologists approach to religion
Saw eastern religions as oriented differently
For him, religion is a means to bring social change
Max Weber
Called religion the “opium of people”, tool for oppression and exploitation
Felt that people are drugged by religion and do not have an accurate view of the social problems around them,
Felt that religion leads people to a false consciousness
Felt that religion serves to enhance and protect the dominating group of society
Karl Marx
The sense that our own abilities as human beings are taken over by other entities
Karl Marx said religion controlled us
Said that:
Societies that provide less personal security are more likely to lead people to find security through religion and prayer
Poor people are more likely to be religious
Norris and inglehart (2004)
Said religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things
Ex: Beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community called a church
For him, religion is a means of COHESION
Emile durkheim’s
The elementary forms of the religious life
3 elements of religion in his “The elementary forms of the religious life”
Beliefs that some things are sacred and forbidden
Practices(rituals) centered on things considered sacred
A moral community(church) resulting from a group’s beliefs and practices
The sacred beliefs, practices, and symbols associated with a particular nation, state, or community, which may or may not contain elements of a traditional organized religion
Ex: constitution; flag; july 4th
Civil religion
His article “civil religion in America” wrote of how American ideals have taken on a role similar to those of traditional religious symbols in the United States
He analyzed key speeches by presidents in American history, noticing their parallels with biblical imagery
Ex: presidents usually end speeches by said “God bless America”
Civil religion
Robert N. Bella’s
Beliefs: ideas that explain the world and identify what should be sacred or held in awe
Rituals: a set of regularly repeated, prescribed, and traditional behaviors that serve to symbolize some value or belief
Components of religion
New religion with few followers
It’s teachings and practices are at odds with the dominant culture and religion
Stark said, in 1989, that all religions begin as cults
Most cults fail, but if they succeed, cults change into a sect
A religious group larger than a cult that feels hostility from and toward society
Behavior of members tends to be spontaneous
Tend to see themselves apart from the larger society
If a sect grows, it changes into a denomination
An organized religious group with at least a few different beliefs that distinguish it from other such groups
More than 200 in the US
Typically provide resources to individual congregations who affiliate with them