Chapter 17 Flashcards


You are the actuary to a retirement fund that has recently undergone a conversion from a
defined benefit to a defined contribution structure.
i. Outline the factors you would consider when determining the investment strategy in a
defined benefit fund. [8]

  • Overarching principle is to have the highest chance of being able to meet benefit obligations
  • With the lowest possible level of risk
  • The strategy should consider the term and nature of the liabilities
  • Which is most likely to be long-term
  • And real in nature in a defined benefit fund.
  • The level of assets available
  • And the funding level should be considered
  • These will dictate the risk appetite to an extent
  • (For example, more risk averse is funding level is close to required level)
  • And whether pooled or segregated assets should be incorporated
  • The strength of the sponsor convenant should be considered
  • If the sponsor covenant is weak this may lead to more risk aversion in the investment strategy
  • The costs involved in the management of the strategy
  • And any movements into and out of assets should be considered
  • Lower cost strategies are likely to be considered more appropriate
  • Legislation may limit the type of assets
  • And the level of assets that can be invested in certain
  • Asset classes
  • And types of investment within asset classes
  • Tax implications should be considered
  • For example income versus capital gains tax applications
  • May lead to a skewness towards a certain type of investment.
  • An ALM can be used to determine the most appropriate strategy.
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