Chapter 17 Flashcards
what is interactive and multichannel marketing known as ?
omnichannel marketing
this retailing creates a seamless cross channel buying experience that integrates in store, online, and mobile shopping
-mostly blur marketplace and market space
what is this ?
omnichannel retailing
*phyiscal store
*static and declining
is this marketplace or market space ?
market place
*online store
*dynamic and growing
is this marketplace or marketspace ?
what percent of consumers shop online using their computer ?
what percent of consumers shop online using their phone ?
what percent of consumers shop online using their tablet ?
what percent of consumers don’t care whether they shop on computer, tablet, or phone ?
29 %
what are examples of exclusive online consumers products ?
streaming music or shows
What sort of products satisfy the show rooming consumer ?
speaker or air fryer
What are examples of what web rooming consumers products are ?
cars or fashion
What are examples of products that have to do with offline exclusive consumer ?
luxury purse or couch
What are the four cross channel consumers ?
- Exclusive online consumer
- Showrooming consumer
- Webrooming consumer
- Exclusive offline consumer
How do you blend different communication and delivery channels together in a mutually reinforcing way to engage the cross channel consumer in3 steps?
- Document cross channel consumer behavior
- Employ mutually reinforcing communication and delivery channels
- Monitor and measure performance
How to create a customer journey map in 7 steps ?
- Buyers persona
- Customers goals
- Identify touchpoints
- Identify pain points
- Remove roadblocks
- Take the journey yourself
- Update and improve
___ is a key tool in developing a seamless omnichannel approach ?
creating a customer journey map
two way buyer seller electronic communication in which the buyer controls the kind and amount of information received from the seller
what is this ?
interactive marketing
an interactive, digitally enabled system that allows individual customers to design their own products and services by answering a few questions and choosing from a menu of product or service attributes, prices, and delivery options
what is this ?
the consumer initiated practice of generating content on a markets website that is custom tailored to an individual specific needs and preferences
what is this ?
the solicitation of a consumers consent to receive email and advertising based on personal data supplied by the consumer
what is this ?
permission marketing
a view that customers will abandon their efforts to enter and navigate a website if download time exceeds eight seconds
what is this ?
eight second rule
the growing practice of not only customizing a product or service but also personalizing the marketing and overall shopping and buying interaction for each customer
what is this ?
a digitally enabled promotional strategy that encourages individual to forward marketer initiated messages to to others via email, social networking websites, and blogs
what is this ?
viral marketing
computer files that a marketer can download onto the computer and mobile phone of an online shopper who visits the marketers website
what is this ?
uses information provided by cookies to direct online advertising from markets to those online shoppers whose behavioral profiles suggest they would be interested ins such advertising
what is this ?
behavioral targeting
the use of social networks for browsing and buying
what is this ?
social commerce
a consigner who shops online but buys offline, or shop offline but buys online
what is this ?
cross channel consumer
the proactive of examining products online and then buying them in a store
what is this ?
the practice of examining products in a store and then buying them online for a cheaper price
what is this ?
the practice and techniques used to credit or value a particular channel and consumer touchpoint
what is this ?
marketing attribution
the internal response that customers have to all aspects of an organization and its offering
what is this ?
customer experience