Chapter 17 Flashcards
Competitive disadvantage
a theorized developmental pattern in which the witnessing and expression of aggressive behaviours as well as a disadvantaged environment lead to chronic patterns of deviant behaviour in adulthood
Human sex trafficking
a form of slavery in which individuals are forced to engage in sexual acts for other’s profit
Marital rape
Within a spousal relationship, any unwanted intercourse or penetration (oral, vaginal or anal) obtained by force, by threat of force, or when a spouse in unable to consent
Peace bond
A court order requiring a person to keep a certain distance from another person, their workplace, their home or any member of their family
Post-traumatic growth
positive psychological change following a major negative event
Post-traumatic stress disorder
An anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a life-threatening or serious anxiety-producing event that can cause persistent and chronic psychological symptoms, such as flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance or stimuli associated with the trauma, hyperarousal, and anxiety
Post-traumatic stress disorder
An anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a life-threatening or serious anxiety-producing event that can cause persistent and chronic psychological symptoms, such as flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance or stimuli associated with the trauma, hyperarousal, and anxiety
Protection order
A civil court order available in some provinces that provides various emergency and long-term orders to protect victims of family violence
A theorized developmental pattern in which an individual’s antisocial behaviour is life-persistent, has no known environmental causes, and involves manipulation and exploitation of others for personal gain
The act of initiating sexual intercourse with a person without their consent; it may involve physical force, verbal coercion, abuse of authority, or an incapacity to provide valid consent
Rape culture
A sociological concept coined in the 1970s by second wave feminists to describe settings in which victim blaming, sexual objectification, trivializing or denying rape, and refusal to acknowledge the impact of rape contribute to the pervasiveness and normalization of rape
Rape myths
inaccurate beliefs about sexual assault
Restraining order
A family court order that forbids a spouse, a partner, or another family member from harassing the victim and sets limits on the conditions under which the person can contact the victim
sexual assault
a range of nonconsensual sexual experiences, including unwanted touching; oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse; and sexual violence
Sexual harrassment
any unwanted sex-related behaviours that are considered by the recipient to be offensive, threatening or demeaning
Harassing behaviour such as repeatedly following intimidating or tracking another person against their will
Victim precipitation theory
a theory that suggests that victims are in part responsible for their assaults because of their own particular behaviours or characteristics
young male syndrome
A theorized route to delinquent and/or criminal acts in which individuals engage in risky, violent, and competitive behaviour, especially during adolescence and early adulthood, to demonstrate their dominance and willingness to incur risks to attain goals