Chapter 16 VOCAB Flashcards
the single most important idea an advertiser hopes to convey to the target audience about its products or the company
core message
blend of communication vehicles - advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, sales promotion, social media, and public relations - that a company uses to reach current and potential customers
communication mix
promotional strategy that focuses on intermediaries, motivating the to promote or push products toward end users
push strategy
promotional strategy that stimulates consumer demand via advertising and other communication efforts, thereby creating a pull effect through the channel
pull strategy
strategy of coordinating and integrating communications and promotion efforts with customers to ensure greater efficiency and effectiveness
integrated marketing communications (IMC)
the delivery of announcements and promotional messages via time or space purchased in various media
advertising that promotes specific goods and services
product advertising
advertising technique in which two or more products are explicitly compared
comparative advertising
advertising that seeks to create goodwill and to build a desired image for a company, rather than to promote specific products
institutional advertising
advertising that presents a company’s opinions on public issues such as education or health care
advocacy advertising
creative tactic designed to capture the audience’s attention and promote preference for the product or company being advertised
advertising appeal
communications channels, such as newspapers, radio, television, and the World Wide Web
advertising media
combination of print, broadcast, online, and other media used for an advertising campaign
media mix
the paid display or use of products in television shows, movies, and video games
product placement
direct communication other than personal sales contacts designed to stimulate a measurable response
direct marketing
computer file that contains contact histories, purchase records, and profiles of each buyer or potential buyer
customer database
printed materials addressed to individual consumers, households or business contacts
direct mail
automated presentation of ads that are related to either the results of an online search or the content being displayed on other webpages
search engine marketing
one-on-one interaction between a salesperson and a prospective buyer
personal selling
approach in which the salesperson acts as a consultant and advisor to help customers find the best solutions to their personal or business needs
consultative selling
process of finding and qualifying potential customers
point at which a sale is completed
wide range of events and activities designed to promote a brand or stimulate interest in a product
sales promotion
certificates that offer discounts on particular items and are redeemed at the time of purchase
partial reimbursement of price, offered as a purchase incentive
advertising or other display materials set up at retail locations to promote products to potential customers as they are making their purchase decisions
point-of-purchase (POP) display
free or bargain-priced items offered to encourage consumers to buy a product
advertising that appears on various items such as coffee mugs, pens, and calendars, designed to help keep a company’s name in front of customers
specialty advertising
sales-promotion efforts aimed at inducing distributors or retailers to push a producer’s products
trade promotions
discounts or other financial considerations offered by producers to wholesalers and retailers
trade allowances
communication vehicle such as blogs, user-contributed content sites, and social booking sites, in which customers and other members of the public can participate
social media
communication among customers and other parties, transmitting information about companies and products through personal conversations
word of mouth
approach to customer communication in which companies initiate and facilitate conversations in a networked community of potential buyers and other interested parties
conversation marketing
formal or informal groups of people united by their interest in and ownership of particular products
brand communities
nonsales communication that businesses have with their various audiences (including both communication with the general public and press relations)
public relations
brief statement of video program released to the press announcing new products, management changes, sales performance, and other potential news items
press release; also called a news release
in-person or online gathering of media representatives at which companies announce new information
press conference; also called a news conference