What factors contribute to violence in the U.S.?
➔ Cultural acceptance of violence
➔ Racism
➔ Classism
➔ Sexism
➔ Availability and accessibility to firearms
➔ Lack of accountability
What are common consequences of violence?
➔ Premature death
➔ Disability
➔ Poor mental health
➔ high medical cost
➔ Lost productivity
Know HP2020 goals
➔ Prevention & reduction of firearm-related deaths
➔ Identification of improper firearm storage in the home
➔ Elimination of weapon possession by adolescents on school property ➔ Reduce fatal and non-fatal brain injuries
➔ Reduce homicides
➔ Surveillance of external causes of injury in the ED
➔ Decreased incidence of homicide, child maltreatment, and physical assaults ➔ Prevention and reduction of sexual assaults
terms associated with violence
➢ The deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another
➢ often related to substance abuse or by known parties
➢ The rate of homicides are increasing among adolescents than any other age group.
➢ Homicides with guns are related to low income, discrimination, lack of education and job opportunities.
➢ More men especially AA males are victims
terms associated with violence
➢ Death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die
➢ Highest among person 45-65.
➢ Females make more attempts but males are more successful.
➢ Whites> other races.
➢ Risks include depression, mental disorders, access to gun and intimate partner issues.
terms associated with violence
➢ Physical attack
➢ Males>females
➢ youth are at higher risk
terms associated with violence
➢ harming a way/ violating / non consensual sexual contact
➢ often unreported
➢ Most are spousal or date rape.
➢ Females>males
➢ Risks includes living in the city, between 8pm-2am,on the weekends and during the summer season
sexual assault/rape
terms associated with violence
➢ threats or harming/physical/sexual/verbal abuse/
➢ Physical
➢ Sexual
➢ emotional
terms associated with violence
failure to provide physical care, emotional care, education and needed dental or health care
terms associated with violence
➢ Failure to provide for the needs of vulnerable people when money is available.
➢ Unpaid bills by managing agents and theft or misuse of clients money or property.
economic maltreatment
terms associated with violence
➢ which is a major women’s health problem(10-60%).
➢ It’s a human rights violation.
➢ Targets single individuals but has bystander effects(35-60%)
IPV: Intimate partner violence
terms associated with violence
➢ Physical abuse can range from slapping or shoving to severe beatings
➢ Intentionally failing to meet the physical, social, or emotional needs of the older person
➢ When caretakers give ‘the silent treatment’ or intimidate the individual by threatening them
➢ Financial abuse can range from misuse of funds to embezzlement ➢ >65 yrs
➢ Intentional actions that cause harm or create a serious risk intended or not to a vulnerable elder by a caregiver
elder abuse
terms associated with violence
➢ Any act that results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sex abuse or exploitation of children
➢ Any act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm
child abuse
signs and symptoms of suicide
➔ self-harm,
➔ isolation,
➔ drastic change in mood,
➔ substance abuse,
➔ sense of hopelessness,
➔ frequent talks about death,
➔ aggressiveness
➔ Ask if they have a plan to harm their self
Who is at risk for IPV?
Individual, relationship, and community/societal