Chapter 16 Respiratory Emergencies Flashcards
- What function do the nasal turbinates serve?
A) Separating the left and right nostrils
B) Warming and humidifying inhaled air
C) Decreasing the surface area of the nasopharynx
D) Secreting mucus that traps viruses and bacteria
Ans: B
Page: 854
Type: General Knowledge
2. A patient who is experiencing an allergic reaction states that his tongue “feels thick” and speaks at a low volume. You should immediately evaluate for: A) angioedema. B) hypotension. C) a gag reflex. D) adventitious breath sounds.
Ans: A
Page: 854
Type: General Knowledge
3. The oropharynx and nasopharynx meet in the back of the throat at the: A) larynx. B) hyoid bone. C) hypopharynx. D) glottic opening.
Ans: C
Page: 854
Type: General Knowledge
4. Common effects of gag reflex stimulation include all of the following, EXCEPT: A) vomiting. B) tachycardia. C) bradycardia. D) increased intracranial pressure.
Ans: B
Page: 854
Type: General Knowledge
5. The most obvious external landmark of the larynx is the: A) cricoid cartilage. B) hyoid bone. C) arytenoid cartilage. D) thyroid cartilage.
Ans: D
Page: 854
Type: General Knowledge
6. On either side of the glottis, tissue forms a pocket called the: A) vallecula. B) piriform fossae. C) cuneiform cartilage. D) hypopharyngeal space.
Ans: B
Page: 855
Type: General Knowledge
7. The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ cartilage forms a complete ring and maintains the trachea in an open position. A) cricoid B) thyroid C) arytenoid D) laryngeal
Ans: A
Page: 855
Type: General Knowledge
- The cricothyroid membrane:
A) is a cartilaginous structure located between the thyroid and cricoid cartilages.
B) serves as the primary entry point to the airway when a patient is not breathing.
C) is relatively avascular and is covered by skin and minimal subcutaneous tissue.
D) is a thin membrane that can be palpated easily just above the thyroid cartilage.
Ans: C
Page: 855
Type: General Knowledge
- Which of the following statements regarding anatomic dead space is correct?
A) Anatomic dead space is about 1 mL per pound of body weight.
B) Air in the dead space participates in pulmonary gas exchange.
C) The amount of dead space increases as tidal volume increases.
D) If tidal volume is 500 mL, 200 mL remains in the dead space.
Ans: A
Page: 860
Type: General Knowledge
10. The mainstem bronchus ends at the level of the: A) lobar bronchi. B) bronchioles. C) segmental bronchi. D) subsegmental bronchi.
Ans: B
Page: 856
Type: General Knowledge
11. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ cells are found in the lining of the airways and produce a blanket of mucus that covers the entire lining of the conducting airways. A) Kupfer B) Alveolar C) Ciliary D) Goblet
Ans: D
Page: 857
Type: General Knowledge
12. What type of medication dries secretions in the airway and prevents the cilia from removing them effectively? A) Diuretic B) Antibiotic C) Antipyretic D) Antihistamine
Ans: D
Page: 857
Type: General Knowledge
- Wheezing is resolved with medications that:
A) dry up secretions in the lower airway.
B) reduce soft tissue swelling in the larynx.
C) relax the smooth muscle of the bronchioles.
D) cause bronchoconstriction and improved airflow.
Ans: C
Page: 858
Type: General Knowledge
- If the amount of pulmonary surfactant is decreased:
A) alveolar surface tension increases.
B) diffuse alveolar hyperinflation occurs.
C) alveoli are able to expand more easily.
D) pulmonary gas exchange is enhanced.
Ans: A
Page: 858-859
Type: General Knowledge
15. In a person who is not bedridden, most pulmonary infections occur in the: A) middle lobes of the lungs. B) bases of the lungs. C) apices of the lungs. D) upper portion of the lungs.
Ans: B
Page: 859
Type: General Knowledge
- Polycythemia is a condition in which:
A) excess red blood cells are produced in response to chronic hypoxia.
B) an abundance of red blood cells causes severe thinning of the blood.
C) fewer red blood cells are produced, resulting in decreased oxygenation.
D) increased platelet production causes the blood to become abnormally thick.
Ans: A
Page: 859
Type: General Knowledge
- Cor pulmonale is defined as:
A) increased preload caused by severe hypertension.
B) left heart failure secondary to mitral valve damage.
C) rupture of the alveoli due to increased surface tension.
D) right heart failure secondary to chronic lung disease.
Ans: D
Page: 859
Type: General Knowledge
- A patent airway:
A) is evidenced by visible chest rise.
B) should be prophylactically suctioned.
C) does not equate to adequate ventilation.
D) is characterized by adequate tidal volume
Ans: C
Page: 864
Type: General Knowledge
19. Hypoventilating patients: A) eliminate too much carbon dioxide. B) become hypercapneic and acidotic. C) experience an increase in blood pH. D) typically do not have an open airway.
Ans: B
Page: 852-853
Type: General Knowledge
- Hyperpnea and tachypnea:
A) cause an increase in minute ventilation.
B) are caused by decreased diaphragmatic function.
C) are characterized by shallow chest wall movement.
D) result from decreased negative-pressure ventilation.
Ans: A
Page: 862
Type: General Knowledge
- In contrast to negative-pressure ventilation, positive-pressure ventilation:
A) is the forcing of air into the lungs.
B) occurs when the diaphragm descends.
C) is provided with a nonrebreathing mask.
D) can only be provided to intubated patients.
Ans: A
Page: 861-862
Type: General Knowledge
22. Difficulty with exhalation is MOST characteristic of: A) supraglottic swelling. B) upper airway obstruction. C) a mild asthma attack. D) obstructive lung disease.
Ans: D
Page: 860
Type: General Knowledge
- Apneustic breathing is characterized by:
A) a sustained pattern of tachypnea and increased tidal volume.
B) short, brisk inhalations with a long pause before exhalation.
C) regular respirations with a normal rate and adequate tidal volume.
D) a crescendo-decrescendo pattern of breathing with apneic periods.
Ans: B
Page: 868
Type: General Knowledge
24. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ respirations are characterized by a grossly irregular pattern of breathing that may be accompanied by lengthy periods of apnea. A) Biot B) Agonal C) Eupneic D) Cheyne-Stokes
Ans: A
Page: 868
Type: General Knowledge