Chapter 16 ppx Flashcards
What are the three major tasks in crafting a communication strategy?
1. Establish clear communication goals.
2. Define compelling messages to help achieve those goals.
3. Outline a cost-effective media mix to engage target audiences.
What are the objectives of establishing clear communication goals?
- Generating awareness
- Providing information and creating positive emotional connections
- Building preference
- Stimulating action
- Reminding past customers
What is a core message in customer communication?
The core message is the single most important idea an advertiser hopes to convey to the target audience about its products or the company.
What is the communication mix?
The communication mix is a blend of communication vehicles— advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, sales promotion, social media, and public relations—that a company uses to reach current and potential customers.
What are push and pull strategies in promotional activities?
- Push strategy focuses on intermediaries, motivating them to promote products.
- Pull strategy stimulates consumer demand via advertising and other communication efforts.
What is Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)?
IMC is a strategy of coordinating and integrating communication and promotion efforts with customers to ensure greater efficiency and effectiveness.
What are some advertising appeals used to capture audience attention?
Logic, emotion, humor, celebrity, sex, music, scarcity
What are some examples of advertising media?
- Newspapers, radio, television, and the World Wide Web, which constitute the media mix used for advertising campaigns.
What is direct marketing?
Direct marketing involves direct communication other than personal sales contacts designed to stimulate a measurable response, including mail, email, search engine marketing, direct response online, telephone, and direct response television.
What is personal selling?
Personal selling involves one-on-one interaction between a salesperson and a prospective buyer.
What is sales promotion?
Sales promotion includes a wide range of events and activities designed to promote a brand or stimulate interest in a product, including consumer promotions and trade promotions.
What are some uses of social media in customer communication?
Social media facilitates word-of-mouth communication, conversation marketing, and building brand communities, while public relations involves non-sales communication with various audiences and media relations.
What does the AIDA model stand for in advertising?
- Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. It outlines the stages of effective advertising: catching attention, generating interest, creating desire, and motivating action.