Chapter 16 Keywords Flashcards
Teachings which are only intended to be understood by only a small number of people with specialised knowledge
Form of esoteric Christianity which believed that suffered and evil in the world are not caused by God but by a lower power - Satan
Usually referred to as Neoplatonism
Term used by scholars to refer to the followers of Plato in the third century
The fall
Moment in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve rebelled against God
Latin word used by Augustine meaning love
Self love
Latin word used by Augustine
Generous love
Aristotle describes four stages of moral life and this stage is weakness of Will
Self - restraint especially to abstain from sexual pleasures
Sexual lust or uncontrolled desires of power or money
Post - lapsarian
World after the fall
The fallen world
Original sin
Christian notion that despite being created in the image of god, humans fail to fulfill this potential due to the Fall
Study of how something exists and the nature of its properties
Gods generous, undeserved and act of free love for the world expressed
When humans are freed from sin, suffering and death
Post - enlightenment
Refers primarily to the 18th century thinkers who argued knowledge could only be obtained through human reason and observation
Humanitarian principle
Proposes that humans get on better when each person takes into account the interests of others
Intrinsic sex drive or energy