Chapter 16: Exercise Prescriptions for Health and Fitness Flashcards
Physical activity
any form of repetitive muscular activity that involves large muscle groups
Physical fitness
set of attributes that relate to ability to perform physical activity
a subset of physical activity that is planned, with a goal of improving or maintaining fitness
higher physical activity is associated with _____ risk of all-cause mortality
Which is the most important risk factor for all-cause mortality?
Low fitness
more important than smoking, systolic BP, cholesterol, and BMI
Exercise dose adheres to what principle?
- frequency
- intensity
- time
- type
days per week, times per day
- % VO2 max
- % maximal heart rate
- rating of perceived exertion
- lactate threshold
number of minutes of exercise
cardiovascular endurance vs. resistance training
within cardiovascular training (swimming, running, rowing, walking)
FITT-VP principle
the addition of Volume and Progression to FITT
– frequency x intensity x time
– transition from easier to harder exercises
Are health related changes dependent on an increase in VO2 max?
The ACSM/CDC first produced physical activity guidelines in 1955… what were they?
Recommended 30+ minutes of moderate-intensity (3-6 METs) physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week
Most recent, most comprehensive recommendations
Every adult should accumulate 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity PA on most, preferably all, days of the week
The physical activity recommendations (2018) can be accomplished by a variety of intensity and time combinations… what are they?
- Perform 150-300 minutes of moderate physical activity per week
- Perform 75-150 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week (>6 METs)
or… some combination of the two
moderate-physical activity
vigorous-physical activity
What MPA and VPA are the minimum goal for weekly PA?
150 minutes of MPA
75 minutes of VPA
Physical activity can be done in _____ to meet the goal
multiple intermittent bouts (e.g., 5 to 10 min)
What is the range of physical activity and what does it indicate?
150-300 minutes
indicates that health benefits accrue with more physical activity… that is, more is better
- for those unable to meet the weekly 150 min goal, achieving as much as possible will still improve health
How many times per week should adults perform muscle strengthening exercises? At what intensity? What muscle focus?
Adults should perform muscle strengthening exercises at least 2 days per week.
– focus on all major muscle groups
– perform at moderate-to-high intensities
How are physical workloads assigned and prescribed?
- assigned to meet individual abilities, goals, preferences
- prescribed in METs
3.5 ml x kg-1 x min-1
METS can be used to estimmate
relative VO2
low-intensity physical activity
MET physical activity intensity breakpoints reflect
intensity- dependent health gains
What are the MET PA intensity breakpoints for LPA,MPA,VPA?
LPA= 1.1 to 2.9 METs
MPA= 3 to 5.9 METs
VPA= greater than or equal to 6 METs
Moderate to vigorous physical activity
How can physical activity volume and intensity goals be achieved?
through the accumulation of MET minutes
What is the recommended minimum of weekly MET minutes associated with improved health?
500 weekly MET minutes
Why is LPA generally not a part of exercise prescription?
LPA is sometimes called spontaneous or background PA because it describes activities of daily living
daily activities; unplanned PA
- the accumulation of LPA is generally associated with improved health outcomes
How can LPA be quantified?
by step counts
-pedometers, modern wearables (smart watches)
Generalized step count thresholds
< 5,000 = “sedentary”
5,000 to 7,900 = “low active”
7,500 to 9,000 = “active”
10,000+ = “highly active”
Cardiac event risk during exercise
is acutely elevated
– even though cardiac event risk is elevated during exercise, it is still lower compared to sedentary
Risk of death is _____ to VO2 max
When does death risk decrease most?
when the least fit become active
What is the best way to assess VO2 max?
a graded exercise test (GXT) is optimal
the modality (treadmill vs. cycle ergometer) and protocol can impact measured VO2 max
For most individuals, the highest value for VO2 max is usually measured with which measure?
a running test up a grade on a treadmill
VO2 max with a walking test is ______ than running
about 6% lower
VO2 max with cycle ergometer test is ____ than walking
about 5-11% lower
Arm ergometry vs leg ergometry
Arm ergometry can produce lower VO2 max. About 70% of the VO2 max measured with the legs.
VO2 max vs VO2 peak
VO2 max refers to value on graded running test
VO2 peak- describes the highest VO2 achieved in a particular GXT
How is VO2 estimated?
submaximal GXT
HR-workload relationships can be used to extrapolate VO2 max based on known or estimated maximal HR values
Estimation of VO2 max from submaximal heart rate response (steps)
- Measure HR at several submaximal work
— measure until a value equal to 70-85% of estimated maximal HR - Extrapolate submaximal HR to estimate VO2 max
—-a line is through the HR points measured during the test and extrapolated to the age-adjusted estimate of maximal HR
—-another line is drooped down from that point to the x-axis, and the VO2 max is identified
Potential problems of estimating VO2 from submaximal HR
standard deviation of age-predicted maximal HR is +-11 beats x min-1
–this can result in over or under estimation of VO2 max
other factors affect submaximal HR response
– e.g. dehydration, temperature, medications, emotional state