Chapter 16 Current Asset Management and Financing Flashcards
Managing Short-term assets and their financing
- Involves all current assets and most current liabilities
- Primary goal for short-term asset management is to support operations at the lowest possible cost
Cash Management
- The goal is to keep cash limited to the needs of the operations of the business
**Current Asset financng policies **
Moderate: Matches the maturity of the asset to the maturity of the financing
- Uses permanent capital to finance permanent assets
- Uses temporary capital to finance temporary assets
Aggressive: Uses temporary capital to finance permanent assets
Conservative: Uses permanent capital to finance temporary assets
Cash Budget
- Forecast volume, revenue, and collections data
- Forecast fixed asset acquisition and inventory requirements
- Estimate times when payments for assets and inventory must be made
- Incorporate cash outlay projections for operating and financial expenses:
- Wages / benefits
- interest payments
- tax payments etc.
- Project cash inflows and outflows over some specified period
Cash Budget Interpretation
Surplus / Deficit Summary:
Cumulative Surplus / Deficit
- If deficit: will need to arrange for a loan or a line of credit if it does not have marketable securities to cover deficit
- Figure out how to use the surplus
Marketable Sucurities Management:
- Temporary portfolios of short-term securities
- Securities with maturities of 3 months or less
Reasons for Marketable Security Holdings:
- Serve as an interest earning substitute for cash balances
- Used to hold funds that being accumulated to meet a specific large, near-term obligation i.e. tax payment, capital expenditure
Marketable Securities Con’t
- Safety
- Liquid investments that can be sold at any time with predictable price ** **
Long-term Securities Holdings
- Not-for-profits and hospitals have large portfolios of long-term securities holdings
- Funds set aside for future fixed asset replacement
- Many hospitals self-insure
- Defined-benefit pension plan
- Endowment gifts must be managed over time in the case of not-for-profit hospitals
- Managers willing to take more risk
- Makes sense for large hospitals who can afford to invest over the long run.
Revenue Cycle Management
- Hospitals don’t get paid at the same time service is rendered
- Providers incur cash costs for facilities, supplies, and labor that need to be covered
- The most important element is managing of receivables
Revenue Cycle
- The set of recurring business activities and related information processing necessary to bill for and collect revenues due
Phases of Revenue Cycle Management: 4 Phases
- Before-Service Activities:
- Preservice Insurance Varification
- Precertification (if necessary)
- Preservice patient financial counseling
- At-Service Ativities:
- Time-of-service insurance verification
- Service documentation / Claims production
- After-Service Activities:
- Claims submission
- Third-party follow-up
- Denials Management
- Payment receipt and posting
- Continuous Activities:
- Monitoring
- Review and improvement
Receivables Management
The total amount of accounts receivable outstanding depends on:
- The volume of credit sales
- The average length of time between sales and collections
ADB: Average daily billings
ACP: Average Collections period
ACP = (% billings x days to pay) + (% billings x dasys to pay)…
Receivable Balabce = ADB x ACP
- Aging schedule breaks down a firm’s receivables by age of account
- Developed from Account’s receivable ledger
Unique Problems of healthcare providers
- Complexity created by third-party-payer system
- Follow different rules of different payers
Supply Chain Management (inventory management)
- Requistioning, ordering, receipt, and payment for supplies.
- Inventory depends heavily depends on volume
- Inventories must be acquired ahead of time
Just-in-time inventory
- Risk of stock out
- Too much dependence on a single supplier
- Point-of-service distribution: The supplier ownes the inventory until it is used.
Short-term Financing
Advantages of Short-term debt
- Speed: Can be obtaned much faster than long-term debt
- Good for financing seasonal or cyclical debt
- Low admin fees
- No penalties for early repayment
- No restrictions or covenants
- Lower interest rates
Disadvantages of Short-term debt
- More risky than long-term financing:
- Interest expense can fluctuate widely
- Principal amount comes due on a regualr basis
Sources of Short-term financing:
Accounts Payable (Trade credit)
- Purchasing on credit
- A supplier lengthening the credit period and expanding volume and purchases generates “spontaneous” financing for a business
Approximate % cost = [Discount % / (100 - discount %) x 360 / (days credit received - discount period)]
Effective Annual Rate:
EAR = (1 + Periodic rate)M - 1.0
Periodic rate = Discount % / (100 - discount %)
M = 360 / (days credit received - discount period)
Bank Loans:
Secured Short-term debt:
- High admin costs.: better to borrow unsecured loans
- Using collateral to borrow short-term funds