chapter 16 Flashcards
Ch 16: Fire Attack
Key to authoritative style leadership
Develop trust and confidence before the incident
Ch 16: Fire Attack
IAP Incident Action Plan
Is the end result of a good size up. Considers pertinent info. defines strategies and tactics,and assigns resources to complete those tactics
Ch 16: Fire Attack
Lloyd Layman’s Five Step Size Up process
Analyzing Emergency situations
Ch 16: Fire Attack
Things known about the situation.Fire and smoke conditions are facts. Pre incident planning helps
Ch 16: Fire Attack
Things that can be anticipated based on the known facts.If structure has sprinkler system
Ch 16: Fire Attack
Involves three considerations
Ch 16: Fire Attack
4 questions
Ch 16: Fire Attack
Plan of Operation
The final step in Laymans decision making process
Ch 16: Fire Attack
National Fire Academy Size Up process
Pre incident info.
Ch 16: Fire Attack
How do I control it?
Three questions need answered in the Initial Size-Up phase.
Ch 16: Fire Attack
Water..Apparatus..Life..Location/extent..Area..Construction..Exposure..Weather.. Auxiliary..Special Hazards..Height..Occupancy..Time
Ch 16: Fire Attack
Dodson says
Black boiling smoke seems to lighten up moments before flashover. This is the sublimation of vaporized carbon into ash. Ash is the dense and hot product of carbon combustion.
Ch 16: Fire Attack
NIST test on wind driven fires concluded
Wind should be included in size-up..Smoke is fuel..Venting doesnt always equal cooling..Control the fire flow path
Ch 16: Fire Attack
14 Firefighters
The men needed to conduct basic fire attack on a single family home. Assembled on the scene within 8 minutes after dispatch
Ch 16: Fire Attack
Number of firefighters required to Operate two hand team..vent team..RIT crew..engineers..incident commander..SO