Chapter 16/17 Flashcards
Exam 5
This gland is multifunctional organ and cannot live without it
Adrenal gland
This gland is composed of outer adrenal cortex and inner adrenal medulla
Adrenal gland
Produces steroid hormones and neuropeptides
Adrenal gland
What is Zona Glomerulosa is known as
G zone cells
Synthesize aldosterone critical for sodium retention, potassium excretion, and acid/base homeostasis
Zona Glomerulosa cells
Helps regulate blood pressue
Zona glomerulosa cells
Zona fasciculata cells is known as
F zone cells
Synthesize glucocorticoids such as cortisol, critical to blood glucose homeostasis and blood pressure
Zona fasciculata cells
This zone has a foamy cytoplasma
Zona fasciculata cells
Zona reticularis cells is known as
R zone cells
Converts DHEA to DHEA-S
Zona Reticularis cells
What is the main adrenal androgen and used to make androgens and estrogens
Adrenal steroids are derived by sequential enzymatic conversion of a common substrate, What is it and what is it apart of?
Cholesterol and Cortex steroidogenesis
Cortex steroidogenesis decreased activity of any enzymes that is required for what?
biosynthesis can occur as an acquired or inherited trait
Evaluation of adrenal function requires what
measuring relevant adrenal hormones, metabolites, and regulatory secretagogues
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is what?
Inherited family of enzyme disorders causing low cortisol and aldosterone production
Isolated hypoaldosteronism
Caused by adrenal gland destruction, chronic heparin therapy, unilateral adrenalectomy, and G-layer enzyme deficiencies
Can lead to metabolic alkalosis, hypertension, and hypokalemia
Adrenal insufficiency is also known as
Addison’s disease
That causes Addison’s disease
reduced production of adrenal hormones or adrenal gland works but the hormone release does not
If someone has low baseline cortisol levels and ACTH is elevates what could they have?
Addison’s disease
What is hypercortisolism known as
Crushing’s Syndrome
What causes Crushing’s Syndrome
Excess of CRH, ACTH, Adrenal glucocorticoid secretion, and exogenous intake (Steroid use)
If there is androgen excess what will boys present with
Penile enlargement, overgrowth of hair, deep voice
If there is androgen excess what will girls present with?
Hirsutism, acne, deep voice, clitoromegaly, short stature, growth plates shut
If there is androgen excess what will women present with?
Infertility, hirsutism, acne, male pattern baldness, menstrual irregularities, hair growth in abnormal areas
If there is androgen excess what will men present with?
Infertility, lower testosterone, loss of muscle mass, decreased hair growth, decreased testes size, poorly developed sperm
If there is high levels of DHEA, DHEA-S, and 17-ketosteroids what could they have?
Androgen excess
What does the adrenal medulla do
Secretes catecholamines to regulate the body’s sympathetic response to stress (flight or flight) by increasing cardiac output and blood pressure.
Body’s ability to create 2 exclusive genes, typically for determining the sex of a human
Testes are paired, ovoid organs that serve dual functions. What are they/
Production of sperm
Production of reproductive steroid hormones
Stem cells that form spern
What are testosterone controlled by?
FSH and LH
Impaired pulse generation of GNRH leads to inadequate production of LH and FSH can lead to what?
Decreased functionally of the gonads (ovaries or testes)
Effect on secondary sexual effects what
Promotes growth of various target tissues
Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism
Characterized by low testosterone
Klinefelter’s syndrome
Presence of an extra chromosome
Testicular feminization syndrome
Most sever form of androgen resistance syndrome
5a Reductase deficiency
Rare cause of androgen insensitivity and results in a mutation encoding the type 2 isoenzyme
Myotonic dystrophy
Presents with primary hypogonadism, fontal balding, diabetes, and muscle weakness, atrophy, and dystonia
What can cause mumps orchitis
Testicular injury and infections
Sertoli Cell-only syndrome
Presents with small testes, high FSH levels, azoospermia, and normal testosterone levels.
Parenteral testosterone
Intramuscular injection
What is the best testosterone replacement therapy?
Parenteral testosterone
Transdermal testosterone therapy
Absorption from patch through skin; provides more physiologic levels
Testosterone gel
Gel applies to nongenital skin; risk of transmission to others.
Buccal testosterone
Plastic tablet placed along gum line; local discomfort
Testosterone pellet
Subdermal implant
What does the ovary produces
Gamete and steroid hormone
Follicular phase
All but one recruited follicles in a cycle atrophy
Graafian follicle
Remaining follicle contains maturing ovum
Luteal phase
Graafian follicle releases ovum in response to L4
Graafian follicle develops into corpus luteum
Promotes breast, uterine, and vaginal developmentP
Induces secretory activity of endometrial glands
When does the mestrual cycle start
First day of menses
Central control of FSH and LH secretion resides in what?
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) pulse generator in the hypothalamus
Absence of menses
infrequent or irregular menstrual bleeding