Chapter 16 Flashcards
What language based evidence is there of an early Malay maritime realm?
Southeast Asia’s connected networks in trade and cultural exchange.
Although the region was divided politically, culturally, and religiously, the languages of Southeast Asia all originated from a common Austronesian linguistic root. Scholars often use the term Malayo Indonesians or Malay to describe the early peoples of this maritime realm.
What were the motives for the Ming naval expeditions and where did they establish contact?
The Ming established contact with people around the Indian Ocean all the way into Vietnam.
The ports visited by these fleets were major commercial centers (trade) and some already had trade relationships with China.
Describe the African voyages sponsored by Mansa Muhammad.
Mansa Muhammad, predecessor of Mansa Musa, sent out 400 vessels with men and supplies to reach the other side of the world. He himself set out into the Atlantic as well but no one ever returned.
What areas did the Arawak explore and settle?
The Arawak from South America had colonized the Lesser and Greater Antilles by the year 1000. The Carib followed, first taking over Arawak settlements in the Lesser Antilles and then, in the late fifteenth century, raiding the Greater Antilles.
What were the goals and motives for Portuguese and Spanish overseas ventures?
The Iberian kingdoms sponsored voyages of exploration for a number of reasons, including both the adventurous personalities of their leaders and long-term trends in European historical development: the revival of trade, the struggle with Islam for control of the Mediterranean, curiosity about the outside world, and the alliances between rulers and merchants. God Gold and Glory.
What was the importance of Prince Henry and his school of navigation?
He sponsored a research and navigation institute at Sagres to collect information about and send expeditions to the African lands south of North Africa.
His agents collected geographical information from sailors and travelers and fostered new expeditions to explore the Atlantic. The staff of Prince Henry’s research institute in Sagres studied and improved navigational instruments, including the compass and the astrolabe.
How did the loss of the manikongo monopoly alter the slave trade?
The loss of Manikongo’s monopoly over the slave trade caused his(Afonso I - Christian Manikongo) power and authority to weaken and subjects to revolt. The relocation of the slave trade from his kingdom to the south led to political instability.
What was the basis (reason) for Portugal’s alliance with Ethiopia?
Their mutual adherence to Christianity. ← resistance to Islam
What factor(s) contributed to the failure of the alliance between Ethiopia and Portugal?
Ethiopian rulers refused to transfer their Christian affiliation from the patriarch of Alexandria to the Latin patriarch of Rome (the Pope) as the Portuguese insisted.
What happened during the first meeting between da Gama and the samorin of Calicut?
When Vasco da Gama arrived in Calicut in 1498, he made a very poor impression with his simple gifts. His gifts of fairly ordinary striped cloth, four scarlet hoods, six hats, and six wash basins were inferior to those accustomed to the luxuries of the Indian Ocean trade.
Why and how did Portugal become powerful in Indian Ocean trade?
Nonetheless, the Portuguese were determined to control the Indian Ocean trade, and their superior ships and firepower gave them the ability to do so. To assert their control, the Portuguese bombarded the Swahili city-states in 1505, captured the Indian port of Goa in 1510, and took Hormuz in 1515. Extending their reach eastward, Portuguese forces captured Malacca in 1511 and set up a trading post at Macao in southern China in 1557.
What was the Portuguese role in Chinese and Japanese and Mughal Indian trade?
Like the emperors of China, the Mughal emperors of India largely ignored Portugal’s maritime intrusions, seeing their interests as maintaining control over their vast land possessions.
What was the cause and result of the Arawak revolt?
The bad behavior of the settlers, including forced labor and sexual assaults on native women, provoked the Arawak to rebel in 1495. In this and later conflicts, steel swords, horses, and body armor led to Spanish victories and the slaughter of thousands. Thousands more were forced to labor for the Spanosh and a smaller group were sent back to Spain as slaves.
Which Amerindians allied themselves with the Spanish against the Aztecs?
The Tlaxcatlans were native enemies of the Aztecs.
Describe the Spanish negotiations with the Incan ruler Altahualpa.
After the Inka ruler was captured by Hernan Cortes, Atahuallpa attempted to purchase his freedom by offering a ransom of 13,400 pounds of golf and 26,000 pounds of silver. The Spaniards still executed him though.
What were three (3) factors that enabled the Spanish to control the Amerindian people and land?
Horses, gunpowder, and disease.
What caused the suspension of the extensive Ming voyages?
Some high Chinese officials opposed increased contact with people whom they regarded as barbarians incapable of making contributions to China. Such opposition caused a suspension in the voyages from 1424 to 1431.
The final Chinese expedition sailed between 1432 and 1433.
Describe the extent (how far) and the evidence of Polynesian voyages.
Over a period of several thousand years, people originally from Asia (Southeast) crossed the water to settle the islands of the East Indies, New Guinea , the Melanesian and Polynesian islands, the Marquesas, New Zealand , and other Pacific islands out to Hawaii. Polynesian use of the sweet potato, domesticated in South America, suggests that they may have reached the Americas .
Both DNA evidence and linguistic evidence make clear that the Polynesian settlement of the islands of the eastern Pacific was largely the result of purposeful voyages and not the result of accidental drifting.
What were the major Viking settlements in the North Atlantic?
During the relatively warm centuries of the early Middle Ages, the Vikings, navigating by the stars and the seas, explored and settled Iceland , Greenland, and Newfoundland (Vinland). When a colder climate returned after 1200, the northern settlements in Greenland and the settlement in Newfoundland were abandoned.
What were the advantages of the caravel design?
The Portuguese also designed a new vessel, the caravel, whose small size, shallow draft, combination of square and lateen sails, and cannon made it well suited for the task of exploration and fighting ships.
Economy, speed, agility, and power → “the best ships that sailed the seas”
What were the sources of wealth in the emerging Portuguese trade in Africa?
African slaves, gold, gold coin called the cruzado (crusader) <– the growing participation of private commercial interests accelerated the pace of exploration.
What resources were devoted to the fleet of Vasco da Gama?
Water, wine, oil, flour, meat, and vegetables far in excess of what was required even on a voyage that would take the better part of a year. ← Arms and ammunition were also in abundance.
What was Columbus hoping for and who provided his support?
Columbus was hoping that he would have found a new route to Asia (India). Columbus first proposed his expedition to Castile’s able rule queen Isabel in 1486, but was rejected. In 1492, his persistence was finally rewarded when the queen and her husband, King Ferdinand of Aragon, agreed to fund a modest expedition.
Why was the Treaty of Tordesillas negotiated and what was the result?
After three voyages, Columbus was still certain that he had found Asia, but other Europeans realized that he had discovered entirely new lands.
These new discoveries led the Spanish and the Portuguese to sign the Treaty of Tordesillas, in which they divided the world between them along a line drawn down the center of the Atlantic Ocean.
What countries sponsored Magellan’s voyages and what was their combined significance?
His voyages were on behalf of the King of Spain…
Ferdinand Magellan’s voyage across the Pacific confirmed Portugal’s claim to the Molucca Islands and established the Spanish claim to the Philippines.
What did Caramansa’s warning to the Portuguese represent?
The African’s upper hand was evident in Caramansa’s warning that he and his people would move away, depriving their fort of food and trade, if the Portuguese acted aggressively.
What was the focus of the early West African trade with the Portuguese?
West African trade with the Portuguese focused on a royal monopoly on trade but the demand for slaves grew.