Chapter 15 - Nurses Flashcards
a domain of language use that is characterized by common ways of talking and thinking about in issue
Doctor/nurse game
concept coined by Stein to refer to the so-called game played out between doctors and nurses, whereby a nurse can be assertive and make suggestions about a patient without appearing to do so, so that nurses’ suggestions are provided as prompts for doctors, who can act on them as though they were their own idea
Horizontal violence
a concept derived from Paolo Friere that describes a behaviour common to all oppressed groups, whereby, because of their powerlessness, the oppressed are unable to direct their anger toward their oppressor and, as a result, turn it toward each other, with various degrees of violence and negativity
Instrumental approach
one in which a job is valued as a means to an end, not for its intrinsic worth
Licensed practical nurses
nurses who assess patients and work in health promotion and illness prevention
Materialist analysis
an analysis that is embedded in the real, actual, material reality of everyday life
New managerialism
term that arose in the 1980s to describe a shift in the transfer of power from professionals to management. It encouraged the implementation of industrial techniques that emphasized the achievement of measureable objectives, continuous evaluation of performance against defined objectives, rationing of resources using effectiveness criteria, and surveillance of health professionals
Nightingale tradition
the view that nursing was a natural extension of a women’s role as caregivers; nurses were expected to be altruistic and to act with selfless dedication
Nurse practitioners
RNs with additional education qualifications and experience. They may order and interpret diagnostic tests, prescribe medications and other therapies
beliefs and actions used to discriminate against a group of people because of their physical and cultural characteristics
refers to the standardization of social life through rules and regulations
Registered nurses
nurses who coordinate health care, deliver direct services, and support patients in their self-care decisions.
Registered psychiatric nurses
nurses who provide services to patients whose primary-care needs relate to mental and development health. They plan, implement, and evaluate therapies and programs on the basis of psychiatric nursing assessments. They are regulated separately from other nursing professionals in 4 provinces
Social institutions
formal structures within society- such as health care, education, gov’t- that are organized at address identified social needs
Time and motion principles
introduced by F.W. Taylor in the second decade of the 20th century to improve industrial efficiency. This involved breaking a job into component parts and measuring the length of time each task would take. It would become the benchmark for how long a particular activity should take