Chapter 15: Functional Programming Flashcards
Which functional interface from java.util.function takes 0 parameters and returns a generic object (T)?
Which functional interface from java.util.function takes 1 parameter and returns void?
Which functional interface from java.util.function takes 2 parameters and returns void?
Which functional interface from java.util.function takes 1 parameter and returns a boolean?
Which functional interface from java.util.function takes 2 parameters and returns a boolean?
Which functional interface from java.util.function takes 1 parameter and returns a generic object (R)?
Which functional interface from java.util.function takes 2 parameters (T, U) and returns a generic object (R)?
Which functional interface from java.util.function takes 1 parameter (T) and returns a generic object (T)?
Which functional interface from java.util.function takes 2 parameters (T, T) and returns a generic object (T)?
When should the Supplier interface be used?
When you want to generate or supply values without taking any input.
What method does the Supplier functional interface have?
When should the Consumer interface be used?
When you want to do something with a parameter but not return anything.
What method does the Consumer and BiConsumer functional interfaces have?
accept(T, U)
What method does the Predicate and BiPredicate functional interfaces have?
test(T, U)
What method does the Function and BiFunction functional interfaces have?
apply(T, U)
When should the Function interface be used?
When you want to turn one parameter into a value of potentially different type and return it.
Which functional interface should be used when you want to combine two strings and return a new one?
BiFunction or BinaryOperator (better)
UnaryOperator and BinaryOperator are similar to Function and BiFunction. How do they differ?
UnaryOperator and BinaryOperator require the input and output to be of the same type.
What interface does UnaryOperator extend?
What interface does BinaryOperator extend?
Is the following code valid?
UnaryOperator u1 = String::length;
No. The statement returns an Integer but UnaryOperator requires the return type be the same as the input type (String).
To make this code valid, Function needs to be used.
What functional interface would you use in the following situation:
Returns a String without taking any parameters.
What functional interface would you use in the following situation:
Returns a Boolean (not a primitive) and takes a String
Predicate returns a primitive boolean.
What functional interface would you use in the following situation:
Returns an Integer and takes two Integers.
BinaryOperator or BiFunction (both are equivalent, but BinaryOperator is more specific).