Chapter 15: Drill and Practice Exercises Flashcards
Solo cross-country flight, category and make and model.
14 CFR 61.93 (c) (1) (2)
Aeronautical knowledge test (private)
14 CFR 61.35 (a) (1)
14 CFR 61.103 (d)
14 CFR 61.105
Flight proficiency/practical test (private)
14 CFR 61.103 (f)
14 CFR 61.107 (b)
14 CFR 61.109
Flight proficiency/practical test (commercial)
14 CFR 61.123 (e)
14 CFR 61.127
14 CFR 61.129
To act as PIC of an aircraft in solo operations when the pilot does not hold an appropriate category/class rating
14 CFR 61.31 (d) (2)
Solo flight in Class B airspace
14 CFR 61.95 (a)
Solo flight to, from, or at an airport located in Class B airspace
14 CFR 61.95 (b)
Solo flight (first 90-day period)
14 CFR 61.87 (n)
Each solo cross-country flight
14 CFR 61.91 (c) (3)
Review of deficiencies identified on airman knowledge test
14 CFR 61.39 (6) (iii)
TSA endorsement(s)
49 CFR 1552.3 (h)
Pre-solo aeronautical knowledge
14 CFR 61.87 (b)
Solo takeoffs and landings at another airport within 25 nautical miles
14 CFR 61.93 (b) (1)
To act as PIC in a complex airplane
14 CFR 61.31 (e)
Repeated solo cross-country flights not more than 50 nautical miles from the point of departure
14 CFR 61.93 (b) (2)
Solo flight (each additional 90-day period)
14 CFR 61.87 (p)
Pre-solo flight training at night
14 CFR 61.87 (o)
Additional aircraft category or class rating (other than ATP)
14 CFR 61.63 (b)
14 CFR 61.63 (c)
Prerequisites for practical tests
14 CFR 61.39 (a) (6) (i) (ii)
Solo in Class B airspace and at airports located within
14 CFR 61.95
Flight proficiency (flight instructor)
14 CFR 61.187
Flight instructor limitations and qualifications
14 CFR 61.195
Eligibility requirements: general (commercial)
14 CFR 61.123
Medical certificates and requirements
14 CFR 61.23
General limitations (student pilots)
14 CFR 61.89
Solo cross-country flight requirements
14 CFR 61.93
Pilot logbooks
14 CFR 61.51
Solo requirements for student pilots
14 CFR 61.87
Aeronautical knowledge (private)
14 CFR 61.105
Flight proficiency (commercial)
14 CFR 61.127
Retesting after failure
14 CFR 61.49
Flight review
14 CFR 61.56
Privileges (private)
14 CFR 61.113
Flight proficiency (private)
14 CFR 61.107
Type rating requirements
14 CFR 61.31
Renewal requirements for flight instructor certificate
14 CFR 61.197
Additional aircraft ratings
14 CFR 61.63
Aeronautical knowledge (flight instructor)
14 CFR 61.185
Flight instructor records
14 CFR 61.189
Aeronautical knowledge (commercial)
14 CFR 61.125
Recent flight experience: pilot in command
14 CFR 61.57
Applicability for Part 61
14 CFR 61.1
Eligibility requirements: general (flight instructor)
14 CFR 61.183
Prerequisites for practical tests
14 CFR 61.39
Privileges and limitations (commercial)
14 CFR 61.133
Flight instructor privileges
14 CFR 61.193
Aeronautical experience (private)
14 CFR 61.109
Eligibility requirements (private)
14 CFR 61.103
Aeronautical experience (commercial)
14 CFR 61.129