Chapter 15: Developing Integrated Marketing Communications Flashcards
Ch 15
buying allowance
a temporary price reduction to resellers for purchasing specified quantities of a product
Ch 15
promotion mix (aka marketing-communications mix)
the particular combination of promotion methods a firm uses to reach a target market
Ch 15
Yellow Pages advertising
simple listings or display advertisements presented under specific product categories appearing in print and online telephone directories
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sales promotion
the use of activities or materials as direct inducements to customers or salespersons
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communication about an organization and its products that is intended to inform, persuade, or remind target-market members
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a free product given to customers to encourage trial and purchase
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advertising agency
an independent firm that plans, produces, and places advertising for its clients
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primary-demand advertising
advertising aimed at increasing the demand for all brands of a product within a specific industry
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cooperative advertising
an arrangement whereby a manufacturer agrees to pay a certain amount of a retailer’s media cost for advertising the manufacturer’s product
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technical salesperson
a salesperson who assists a company’s current customers in technical matters
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news release
a typed page of about 300 words provided by an organization to the media as a form of publicity
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direct-mail advertising
promotional material mailed directly to individuals
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a return of part of the product’s purchase price
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captioned photograph
a picture accompanied by a brief explanation
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a gift that a producer offers a customer in return for buying its product
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a salesperson who handles repeat sales in ways that maintain positive relationships with customers
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trade salesperson
a salesperson- generally employed by a food producer or processor- who assists customers in promoting products, especially in retail stores
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point-of-purchase display
promotional material placed within a retail store
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selective-demand (or brand) advertising
advertising that is used to sell a particular brand of product
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creative selling
selling products to new customers and increasing sales to present customers
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public relations
communication activities used to create and maintain favorable relations between an organization and various public groups, both internal and external
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personal selling
personal communication aimed at informing customers and persuading them to buy a firm’s products
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feature article
a piece (of up to 3,000 words) prepared by an organization for inclusion in a particular publication
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the development of a product image in buyers’ minds relative to the images they have of competing products
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trade show
an industry-wide exhibit at which many sellers display their products
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frequent-user incentive
a program developed to reward customers who engage in repeat (frequent) purchases
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press conference
a meeting at which invited media personnel hear important news announcements and receive supplementary textual materials and photographs
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communication in news-story form about an organization, its products, or both
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missionary salesperson
a salesperson- generally employed by a manufacturer- who visits retailers to persuade tham to buy the manufacturer’s products
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trade sales promotion method
a sales promotion method designed to encourage wholesalers and retailers to stock and actively promote a manufacturer’s product
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a paid nonpersonal message communicated to a select audience through a mass medium
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a program-length televised commercial message resembling an entertainment or consumer affairs program
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a salesperson who is responsible for selling a firm’s products to new customers and increasing sales to present customers
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promotional campaign
a plan for combining and using the four promotional methods- advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and publicity- in a particular promotion mix to achieve one or more marketing goals
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out-of-home advertising
short promotional messages on billboards, posters, signs, and transportation vehicles
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consumer sales promotion method
a sales promotion method designed to attract consumers to particular retail stores and to motivate them to purchase certain new or established products
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sales support personnel
employees who aid in selling by are more involved in locating prospects, educating customers, building goodwill for the firm, and providing follow-up service
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institutional advertising
advertising designed to enhance a firm’s image or reputation
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an offer that reduces the retail price of a particular item by a stated amount at the time of purchase
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advertising media
the various forms of communication through which advertising reaches its audience