Chapter 15 - Buckman Flashcards
What were the self sufficient stable foods
Rice, wheat, barley, millet
-Danny Powers
Why did Hindus embrace cults?
They promised salvation - carter
By 1500 CE how many Muslims were there in India?
About 25 million.
-Joe Shrout
In India, who were the most effective agents of conversion to Islam?
The Sufis
-Joe Shrout
How did the Sufis approach Islam?
With emotion, devotion, and on a person aspect.
-Joe Shrout
Like Hinduism, what did Islam emphasize?
piety and devotion
-Joe Shrout
What were lower caste Hindus looking to escape from by converting to Islam?
Social discrimination
-Joe Shrout
Who built the irrigation systems in the Ganges River Valley.
The Aryans built it. - Sean McCutcheon
How large was the artificial lake near Bhopal?
It covered 650 square miles. - Sean McCutcheon
How large was the population if India in 600 C.E.? How large was it by 1500?
53 million; 105 million - Sean McCutcheon
What lead to India’s huge population growth during the postclassical era?
The large irrigation system and increased productivity lead to the increase in population. - Sean McCutcheon
Why did cities in southern India grow so quickly?
They grew because of the increased agricultural productivity. - Sean McCutcheon
What was the main difference between northern and southern India in postclassical times?
Northern India was a region of frequent conflict and unstability. Southern India was much more stable than Northern India. - Andy Hedges
What was King Harsha known for and what religion did he practice? When did he reign?
Harsha was known for piety, liberality, and scholarship. He was a Buddhist. He reigned from 606 to 648 C.E. - Andy Hedges
How did Harsha manage to hold his empire together?
He managed to hold his loose empire together mainly by the force of his personality and his constant attention to political affairs. - Andy Hedges