Chapter 15 Flashcards
Tests given, usually nationwide, under uniform conditions and scored according to uniform procedures
Standardized Tests
Classroom assessments are selected and created by teachers and can take many different forms- unit tests, essays, portfolios, projects, performances, oral presentations, etc.
Classroom Assessments
An evaluation expressed in quantitative terms
Procedures used to obtain information about student performance
Ungraded testing used before or during instruction to aid in planning and diagnosis
Formative Assessment
Formative test for assessing students’ knowledge, readiness, and abilities
Testing that follows instruction and accesses achievement
Summative Assessment
In which scores are compared with the average performance of others
Norm Referenced Testing
Testing in which scores are compared to a set performance standard
Criterion Referenced Testing
Consistency of a test
Degree to which a test measures what it is intended to measure
Qualities of an assessment instrument that offend or unfairly penalize a group of students because of the students’ gender, SES, race, ethnicity, etc.
Assessment of Bias
A test without cultural bias
Culture-fair/culture-free test
Multiple-choice, matching, true/false, short-answer, and fill-in tests. Scoring answers does not require interpretation
Objective Testing
The question part of a multiple-choice item