Chapter 14 Varian Flashcards
Chapter 14, Hal Varian Microeconomics
In the case of a discrete good with quasilinear utility, the utility associated with the consumption of n units of the discrete good is jus the sum of _____
the first n reservation prices
How do you calculate consumer surplus?
- Add the first n reservation prices to find the gross benefit of consuming the good.
- Subtract the amount spent on the purchase of the good.
What shape roughly approximates the change in consumer’s surplus associated with a price change?
How does one measure the monetary impact of a price change?
- Compensating variation
- Equivalent variation in income
If utility and quasilinear, what is the relationship between compensating variation, equivalent variation, and the change in the consumer’s surplus?
They are all equal.
What is the consumer’s gross benefit?
For consuming n units of the discrete good, the area of the first n bars which make up the demand function.
What is the net consumer’s surplus?
- v(n) - pn
- It measures the net benefits from consuming n units of the discrete good; the utility v(n) minus the reduction in the expenditure on consumption of the other good.
How does one find consumers’ surplus (aggregate)?
Add up the consumers’ individual surpluses.
Given a graph of ∆ in consumer surplus given a change in price, what does the rectangle R signify?
R = loss in surplus due to the conusmer paying more for all the units he continues to consume
Given a graph of ∆ in consumer surplus given a change in price, what does the triangle T signify?
T = loss from reduced consumption
T = the value of the lost consumption of the x-good, since the consumer has decided to consume less of it
What is the compensating variation?
the change in income necessary to restore the consumer to his original indifference curve
What is the equivalent variation?
This is how much money the government would have to take away before the price change to leave him as well off as he would be after the price change
What is the net producer’s surplus?
- The difference between the minimum amount she would be willing to sell the x* units for and the amount she actualy sells the units for
- The triangular area