Chapter 14 Third Declension Noun Paradigms Flashcards
η σαρξ
the flesh (feminine, nominative singular)
της σαρκος
of the flesh (feminine, genitive, singular)
τη σαρκι
to/for the flesh (feminine, dative, singular)
την σαρκα
the flesh (feminine, accusative, singular)
αι σάρκες
the fleshes (feminine, nominative, plural)
των σαρκών
of the fleshes (feminine, genitive, plural)
ταις σαρξι(ν)
to the fleshes (feminine, dative, plural)
τας σάρκας
the fleshes (feminine, accusative, plural)
το πνευμα
the spirit (neuter, nominative, singular)
του πνεύματος
of the spirit (neuter, genitive, singular)
τω πνευματι
to/for the spirit (neuter, dative, singular)
το πνεύμα
the spirit (neuter, accusative, singular)
τα πνεύματα
the spirits (neuter, nominative, plural)
των πνευμάτων
of the spirits (neuter, genitive, plural)
τοις πνευμασι(ν)
to/for the spirits (neuter, dative, plural)
τα πνευματα
the spirits (neuter, accusative, plural)