Chapter 14 test Flashcards
Letting things take it’s course and not intervene; the government should not be involved in businesses.
Laissez Faire Policies
October 29 when the bottom fell out of the nations confidence. When people lost a lot of money and got integrate debts.
Black Tuesday
This was the most widely used barometer of the stock markets health.
Dow Jones industrial average
Established highest protective tariff in US history designed to protect farmers and manufacturers
Hawley Smoot Tariff
Provided emergency financing to banks and other large businesses to feel expansion and thereby pump new life international economy (too little to late)
Reconstruction finance Corporation
Offering free or low-cost food
Soup kitchens
Lines of people waiting for food provided by charitable organizations
BRaed lines
Why did farmers debt happen
Overproduction lead farmers to have low prices; expensive machinery; severe drought.
Causes and effects of the dust bowl
Causes: it was man-made, the farmers abuse the land, and severe drought
Affect: tons of dust storms, boss of agriculture, shift in population to California
They were World War I veterans that arrived in Washington DC from all over the country. Hoover ask them to leave and force them out
Bonus army
Paying a small amount of the stocks price as a down payment and borrowing the rest
Buying on margin
Who were the 1928 election candidates
Herbert Hoover and Alfred Smith
Who were the 1932 election candidates
Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt
Cash payment or food provided by the government to the poor
Direct relief
Where are people bought stocks and bonds on the chance of a quick profit while ignoring the risks