Chapter 14: Repeated Measures Designs Flashcards
compound symmetry
a condition that holds true when both the variances across conditions are equal and the covariances between pairs of conditions are also equal
Greenhouse-Geisser Estimate
- an estimate of the departure from sphericity
- the max value = 1 (completely meets sphericity) and the minnimum is the lower bound
- values below 1 indicated departures from sphericity and are used to correct the degrees of freedom associated with corresponding F-ratios by multiplying them by the value of the estimate
- too conservative (strict)
Huynh-Feldt Estimate
- estimate of the departure of sphericity
- max value = 1 (completely meets sphericity) and values below this indicated departures from sphericity and are used to correct the degrees of freedom associated witht he corresponding F-ratios by multiplying them by the value of the estimate
- Too Liberal
Lower Bound Estimate
name given to the lowest possible value of the Greenhouse-Geisser estimate of sphericity
value = 1/(k-1) where k is the number of treatment groups
Mauchley’s Test
tests the hypothesis that the variances of differences between conditions are equal
if significant < .05 then sphericity is not met!
Repeated-Measures ANOVA
an alalysis of variance conducted on any design in which the independent variable (predictor) or variables (predictors) have all been measured using the same participants in all conditions
assumes that the variances of the differences between data taken from the same participant are equal
the assumption is most commonly found in repeated-measures ANOVA, but applies only where there are more than two points of data from the same participant