Chapter 14: Ethers and Epoxides Flashcards
Ethers contain…
- can be waters or alcohols
Three-membered cyclic ether is an…
What makes ethers useful solvents?
1) Good at dissolving both polar and non-polar molecules
2) Low chemical reactivity
3) Low BP (volatility) allows for easy removal through evaporation or distillation
Crown ether functions (i.e KMnO4 oxidations)
Good solubility and stabilizing specific reagents others can’t
1) Gringard reagents (strongly basic and nucleophilic)
2) Electrophiles (Lewis acid)
Williamson Ether Synthesis
SN2 run w/ alkoxide ion, alkyl halide, or tosylate
- works best when electrophilic substrate (R-X) is first degree
Alkoxymercuration-Demercurration (Ether Synthesis)
- Treat alkene with mercury (II) acetate in presence of alcohol
- adds alkoxy group to Markovnikov position (after reducing NABH4)
Condensation of alcohols (industrial) (Ether Synthesis)
- synthesis of small, symmetric ethers from primary alcohols
Ether Rxn: Cleavage by strong acid at high temp
1) Sn2 or Sn1 rxn
- produces an alkyl halide and an alcohol
2) Second rxn converts alcohol to alkyl halide
Ether Rxn: Autoxidation (peroxide formation)
1) slowly form organic peroxides upon exposure to oxygen from air
Sulfides (Thioethers)
- formed via SN2 RXNS analogous to Williamson Ether Synthesis
Silyl Ethers
Alkenes to Epoxide (Epoxide Synthesis)
peroxyacids (i.e MCPBA) used to convert alkenes into epoxides (one long step)
Base-promoted cyclization of halohydrins
- X and OH add anti to one another
- treatment with base generates alkoxide ion adjacent to a Carbon and substrate cyclizes to form an epoxide (Sn2-like)
Acid-catalyzed Epoxide Rxns
1) proton catalyzed ring opening using solvent withH2O or -OH or halide ion as nuc
2) After protonation, NUC: attacked more sub Carbon (greater partial positive charge) in an SN2 fashion
Aq Acid (H3O+) Epoxide Rxn
: produces a trans glycol