Chapter 14: Data Conversion Flashcards
What type of switching device do most analog switches utilize.
Most analog switches use MOSFETs as the switching device.
What are the three types of analog switches.
The three types of analog switches are single pole single throw, single pole double throw, and double pole single throw.
What is multiplexing?
Multiplexing is a technique used in data acquisition systems where inputs from several different sources must be independently converted to digital form for processing.
What is the basic configuration of a multiplexer?
A multiplexor is basically a series of independent switches with a common output.
What is the purpose of an analog switch?
The purpose of an analog switch is to turn a signal off and on electronically.
What components make a sample and hold circuit?
Sample and hold circuits consist of an analog switch,a capacitor, and input and output buffer amplifiers
What is aperture time?
Aperture time is the time for the analog switch to fully open after the control voltage switches from its sample level to its hold level.
What is aperture jitter?
Aperture jitter is the uncertainty in the aperture time?
What is acquisition time?
Acquisition time is the time required for the device to reach its final value when the control voltage switches from its hold level to its sample level.
What is droop?
Droop is the change in voltage from the sampled value during the hold interval because of charge leaking off of the hold capacitor.
What is feedthrough?
Feedthrough is the component of the output voltage that follows the input signal after the analog switch is open.
What is a digital to analog converter?
A digital to analog converter is device in which information in a digital form is converted to the analog form.
What is a binary weighted input digital to analog converter?
The binary weighted input DAC uses a resistor network with resistance values that represent the binary weights of the input bits of the digital code.
What is resolution?
The resolution of a DAC is the reciprocal of the maximum number of discrete steps in the output. 1/(2^n-1 )(100)where n is the number of steps. 4-bit= 1/((2^4)-1)(100)= 1/15(100)=6.6%
What is accuracy?
Accuracy is a comparison of the actual output of the DAC with the expected output
What is linearity?
A linear error is a deviation from the ideal straight-line output of the DAC.
What is monotonicity?
A DAC is monotonic if it does not miss any steps when it is sequenced over its entire range of input bits.
What is the disadvantage of the DAC with binary weighted inputs?
One of the disadvantages of this type of DAC is the number of different resistor values?
What is the resolution of a four bit DAC?
1/((2^4)-1)(100)= (1/15)(100)=6.6%
What is the advantage of a monolithic IC over a discrete circuit for an R/2R ladder.
Constructing the ladder network and monolithic IC provides much better matching of the R and 2R.
What is settling time?
Settling time is normally defined as the time it takes a DAC to settle within half of it’s least significant bit of its final value when A change occurs in the input code.
What is conversion time?
Conversion time is the time it takes an ADC to convert an analog waveform to a digital quantity.
What is the Nyquist rate?
The Nyquist rate or sampling rate is the minimum sample rate and it must be greater than twice the maximum frequency component of the analog signal.
What is quantization error.
Quantization error is error introduced when an analog signal changes during conversion time.
How does a sample and hold circuit avoid quantization error in A/D conversion?
A sample and hold circuit allows an analog to digital converter to convert a constant voltage.
What components does the stairstep ramp method use?
It employs a DAC and a binary counter to generate the digital value of an analog input.
What component does the tracking method use?
The tracking method uses an up-and-down counter.
What components does the single slope method use?
It uses a linear Ramp generator to produce a constant slope reference voltage. (No counter)
What components does a dual slope method use?
A dual slope is similar to a single slope except that a variable slope and a fixed slope ramp are both used together?
What components does the successive approximation method use?
The successive approximation ADC consist of a DAC, a comparator, and a successive approximation register.
How does the successive approximation method work?
The bits of the DAC are enabled one at a time starting with the most significant bit. As each bit is enabled the comparator produces an output that indicates whether the analog input voltage is greater or less than the output of the DAC. If the DAC output is greater the register is reset. If the DAC output is less the bit is retained in the register.
What are the advantages of the successive approximation method?
The successive approximation method is fast and uses the same number of steps every time?
What is the fastest method of analog-to-digital conversion?
The flash or simultaneous analog-to-digital converter is the fastest.
Which analog-to-digital conversion method uses an up-and-down counter?
The tracking method analog-to-digital converter uses an up/ down counter.
The successive approximation converter has a fixed conversion time. true or false?
What is the basic premise of a voltage to frequency converter?
An analog voltage on the input is converted to a pulse signal with a frequency that is directly proportional to the amplitude of the input voltage.
What is non-monotonicity?
Nonmonotonicity is indicated by step reversals in an output ramp. This condition is usually caused by one of the binary input bits being stuck at a constant high or low state.
What is differential nonlinearity?
Differential nonlinearity is a condition in which the step amplitude is less than it should be for certain input codes.
What is offset error?
Offset error is when the step amplitude is greater or less than it should be for all input codes.
What condition does low or high gain cause?
Hi or low gain will cause the output ramp to be steeper or more shallow than it should be.
What does the typical voltage to frequency converter contain?
The typical voltage to frequency converter contains an integrator A comparator and a one shot.