Chapter 14 Flashcards
A model of urban growth patterns based on transportation routes
Axial Model
Theoretical relationship between distance and land rent
Bid-Rent Curve
The advantage one locale has over another because of transportation facilities, created environment, natural resources, or its labor forces
Comparative Advantage
A model of urban growth patterns based on concentric zones surrounding a central business district
Concentric-Circle Model
Employment in industries that bring income into a region from beyond its borders
Economic Base
Activities that produce goods and services for sale or consumption outside an area’s borders
Export Activities
The passage of housing to less affluent families as the housing ages
The process of neighborhood rehabilitation causing value to rise dramatically as it becomes a desirable location
That use, found to be legally permissible, physically possible, and financially feasible, that results in the highest land value; that use of land most likely to result in the greatest long-term economic return to power
Highest and Best Use
A method of city growth where open spaces between structures are filled in with new structures
Investment in public facilities such as roads, schools, etc.
The return that a parcel of land will bring in the open market
Land Rent
A model of urban growth patterns that emphasizes more than one center of commercial activity
Multiple-Nuclei Model
A geographic area containing complementary land uses in which property values tend to move together
Activities that produce goods and services for sale or consumption within an area’s borders
Population-Serving Activities
A model of urban growth in which types of development tend to extend outward in wedge-shaped sections from the center of the city
Sector Model
The study of the economics of urban and regional growth
Urban and Regional Economics