Chapter 139 - Pediatric Pelvic and Lower Extremity Fractures Flashcards
Pelvic avulsion sites and their avulsed structures
ASIS: sartoius
AIIS: recuts
Iliac wing: obliques
Ischium: hamstrings
Symphysis: adductors
GT: glute medius
LT: Illiopsoas
complications of non-op management of pedi hip fractures
coxa vara
complication of surgically treated hip fractures in kids
related to type of fracture
type I: 90-100%
type II: 50%
type III: 25%
type IV: 10%
after closed reduction of a pedi hip dislocation what imaging is indicated?
MRI to eval for chondrolabral separation
(MRI shown to be superior to CT)
Indications for spica casting in pedi femur fracture
shortening <3cm
+/- polytrauma
single leg spica = both leg spica in terms of fracture outcomes, and single leg has greater parent satisfaction
LLD following femur fracture
injured leg actually overgrows 7-10mm in kids age 2-10 at time of injury
most common malunion following non-op femur fx
varus and procurvatum
flexinails for pedi femurs
age >6, weight <55kg
- very proximal
- very distal
- comminuted
- length unstable
submuscular bridge plating for femur fractures
length unstable patterns
- fracture following hardware removal
- distal femur valgus deformity 2/2 injury to the distal physis (plate should be >20mm from physis)
rigid nails for pedi patients
> age 8-10
can result in narrow neck from disruption of the proximal femur growth plate
must use lateral entry start point (point c on the diagram)
distal femur physeal fractures
closed reduction internal fixation preferred if able to get anatomic reduction closed
- avoid the physis with fixation if possible
- if you cant, use smooth pins and remove at 3-4 weeks
** some surgeons advocate for antegrade pins when you have to cross the physis - allows pins to be placed extra-articular and lowers the risk of septic arthritis 2/2 pin tract infection
growth arrest following distal femur physeal fx
occurs in 30-50% of fx
angular deformity more common than LLD
the angular deformity occurs OPPOSITE the displaced physeal region
- ie for the below fracture, the most likely angular deformity is valgus
what structure is most commonly the issue if you cannot get a tibial eminence fracture to reduce?
anterior horn of the medial meniscus
complications of tibial eminence fracture?
ACL laxity - but not of clinical significance
arthrofibrosis is common and early ROM can help prevent it
complications of tibial tubercle fractures
rarely compartment syndrome:
- injury to the anterior recurrent tibial artery
proximal tibial physeal separation can result in what vascular injury
popliteal artery injury in hyperextension injuries
cozen phenomena
valgus tibial malunion following a proximal tibial metaphyseal fracure with an intact fibula
no treatment needed immediately - often has spontaneous resolution
how long does fracture healing take in pedi tibia shaft fractures?
3-4 weeks for toddler’s fractures
6-8 weeks for other tibial shaft fractures
indications for surgical treatment of tibial shaft fracture
> 10 degrees angulation post reduction
1cm shortening
when closed reduction of tibial shaft fracture is lost what is the most common malalignment?
varus if only tibial shaft involved
valgus if both tibia and fibula involved
order of closure for the distal tibial physis
- central
- medial
- lateral
this is how transitional ankle injuries happen
tillaux fractures
only involved the physis and the epiphysis
occur via supination external rotation
triplane fractures
involve the epiphysis, the physis, and the. metaphysis and have a posterior malleolar component
SHIII in the sagittal plant
SHII in the coronal plane
physis split in the axial plane
treatment of choice for pedi calc fractures
most are non-op
only operative if displaced articular fragment
treatment of avulsion fx of navicular, cuneiform, or cuboid
walking cast x 2-3 weeks
tx of almost all metatarsal fx
weight bearing in a hard soled shoe
exception is a base of the 5th met at or distal to the articualtion (these need to be non-weightbearing)