Chapter 13 Section 5 Flashcards
Outer sphere for the stars/ interior sphere for man
2 sphere universe
Direct observation to see results, make predictions and form theories or laws on how things worked.
Step beyond just accepting- now investigating.
People began to ask why
2 sphere universe was perfected by a man named…..
Ptolemy wrote about 2 sphere universe in his book called
Earth at center of the universe with stars, moon and planets circling it
Geocentric universe
Sun stands at center of the universe
What people see with there eye. Lack of complex math and telescopes
Naked eye astronomy
Moving motion opposite of another moving motion
Retrograde motion
Ptolemy made this model to show speed of moon sun and planets. They move in perfect circles because god made them was his reasoning
Made heliocentric model that sun was center which is correct. Asked to make a calendar and said no because they had the system wrong.
No special observer
Earth is not unique just another planet
Challenge is to accept ideas in society or science was called his..
Copernician principle
Danish astronomer provided support Copernicus’s theory. Observed the sky about movement of heavenly bodies
Tyche Brahe
Brahes assistant an astronomer and mathematician used data to calculate orbit of of planets. It supported the heliocentric view.
Planets didn’t move in perfect circles but ovals called
Assembled telescope and observed Jupiter had 4 moons. The church condemned him from going against god and was put on trial and forced to say the wrong thing or else he would be killed