Chapter 13: Oligopoly and Strategic behavior Flashcards
Anti trust laws
attempt to prevent oligopolies from behaving like monopolies p396
backwards induciton
in game theory, is the process of deducing backwards from the end of a scenario to infer a sequence of optimal actions. p409
a group of two or more firms that act in unison p396
clayton act
targets corporate behaviors that reduce competition. Made to strengthen anti trust law suits. p413
an agreement among rival firms that specifies the price firms charges and quantity produced. illegal and p395
decision tree
illustrates all of the possible outcomes in a sequential game. p409
dominant strategy
the best strategy to win, regardless of opponents choices.. the meta p402
game theory
a branch of mathematics that economists use to analyze the strategic behavior. p400
mutual interedependence
Nash equilibrium
a law that no one would like to break, even in absence of police force. p398
network externality
occurs when the number of customers who purchase or use a good influences the quantity demanded p416
a form of market structure that exists when a small number of firms sell a differentiated product in a market w/ high barriers to entry. p392
output effect
occurs when a change in price affects the number of customers in a market p400
predatory pricing
the practice of a firm deliberately setting its prices below AVC with the intent of driving rivals out of the market p413
price effect
how a change in price affects the firms revenue p400
prisoners dilemma
occurs when decision makers face incentives that make it difficult to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. p401
Sherman antitrust act
was the first federal law limiting cartels and monopolies. made in 1890 p413
switching costs
are the costs incurred when a consumer charges from one supplier to another p416
tit for tat
a long term strategy where you mimic you opponents recent move. only works when there is trust among opponents. p406
Kinked demand curve
the theory that oligopolists have a greater tendency to respond aggressively to price cuts of rivals but will ignore price increases
Price leadership
when a dominant firm in an industry sets the price that max profits and smaller firms follow by setting their prices to match the price leader.