Chapter 13: Oligopoly and Strategic Behavior Flashcards
What is an Oligoploy?
oligopolyA market struc-ture in which a few firms sell either a standardized (homogeneous) or differentiated product, into which entry is difficult, in which the firm has limited control over product price because of mutual interde-pendence (except when there is collusion among firms), and in which there is typically nonprice competition.
What is a Homogeneous product and what is an example of it?
a product where buyers don’t see any real differences between products. ex; steel and aluminum markets.
What is a differentiated product and what is an example of it?
products that differ from each other. there are a lot of options for the consumer.
ex; automobiles, electronics equipment, and breakfast cereals
what is strategic behavior?
Self-interested economic actions that take into account the expected reactions of others
what is mutual interdependence in an oligopoly?
A situation in which a change in price strategy (or in some other strategy) by one firm will affect the sales and profits of another firm (or other firms). Any firm that makes such a change can expect its rivals to react to the change.
why is Control over price limited in an oligopoly market?
because there are just a few sellers in the market and rivals may respond in a way that would be detrimental to the firm that just changed the price.
what is the percentage for a four- firm concentration ration for a market to an oligopoly?
when does Interindustry competition occur?
Interindustry competition occurs when industries like glass and plastic compete with each other. This competition is not reflected in their high 4-firm concentration ratios.
What is game theory?
Game theory is a method of analyzing situations in which the outcomes of your choices depend on the choices of other players in the game, and the outcomes of the other players depend on the choices which you make. There is a mutual interdependence.
In a game theory, there are players who make decisions, strategies which are…
the possible decisions a player can make.
what are payoffs in game theory?
are the outcomes of the strategies chosen.
Oligopolies have an incentive to do what?
cheat–> collusion
collusion refers to what?
Collusion is defined as cooperating with rivals and can benefit the firm. There is an incentive for firms to cheat on their agreement to collude because cheating can result in increased revenues for the cheater.
What is Kinked-Demand Theory and who is itnused for?
The kinked-demand model is used for non-collusive oligopolies to explain their behaviors and pricing strategies.
What do oligopolies assume in a Kinked-Demand theory?
-Match price reductions.
-Ignore price increases.
what is a caretl?
A cartel is a group of firms or nations that collude:
what do cartels do?
Formally agreeing to the price.
Sets output levels for members.
What is Price War?
A price war is a situation in which competitors lower their prices to gain or protect market share.
What is Price Leadership?
Price Leadership is an economic model where a dominant firm initiates price changes and the others in the industry follow the leader.
Why do differentiated oligopolies advertise?
it is the best way to communicate a firm’s product differences.
what are the benefits of advertising for differentiated oligopolies?
increasing market share and revenues because product innovations are more difficult to copy by a competitor than a price change.
What are Positive Effects of Advertising?
Low-cost way of providing information to consumers.
Enhances competition.
Speeds up technological progress.
Can help firms obtain economies of scale.
What are Negative Effects of Advertising?
Can be manipulative.
Contain misleading claims that confuse consumers.
Consumers may pay high prices for a good while forgoing a better, lower priced, unadvertised version of the product.
Oligopolies are inefficient becuase…
Productively inefficient because P > min ATC
Allocatively inefficient because P > MC
What is dominant strategy?
when a company/participantchooses the best option regardless of the other comapnies decions.
What is where Nash equilibrium?
it refers to the best option a company/participant has depending on the choice of the other company.
What is dominant strategy equilibrium?
it refers to when both companies/participants have a dominant strategy.
What are credible threats?
Threat that is believable by the other firm.
Can establish collusive agreements.
A strong enforcer can prevent cheating.
Can generate higher profits.
May be countered with threat by rival.
What are Empty threats?
A threat that is not believable by rival.