Chapter 13 – Interest Rates And Monetary Policy Flashcards
Transaction demand for money
The amount of money people want to hold for use as a medium of exchange, and which varies directly with the nominal GDP
The payment made for the use of money
Asset demand for money
The amount of money people want to hold as a store value; varies inversely with the rate of interest.
Total demand for money
The sum of the transactions demand for money and the asset demand for money
Central bank
A bank his chief function is the control of the nation’s money supply; in Canada, the bank of Canada
Bank deposits
Did you posit that individuals or firms have a financial institution or the banks have at the central bank
Monetary policy
The central bank changing of the money supply to influence interest-rates and assist economy in achieving a full employment, non-inflationary level of total output
Open market operations
The buying and selling of Canadian government bonds by the bank of Canada to carry out monetary policy
Bank rate
The interest rate that the Bank of Canada charges on advances made to the chartered banks
Operating band
The bank account it is 50 basis point range, one half of one percentage point, for the overnight lending rate
Overnight lending rate
The interest rate at which major participants in the money market borrow and lend one day funds to each other
Expansionary monetary policy
Bank of Canada actions that increase the money supply to lower interest rate and expand real GDP
Prime interest rate
The interest rate banks charge that much credit where the borrowers; the benchmark interest-rate used by charter banks as a reference point for a wide range of interest rates charged on loans to businesses and individuals
Restrictive monetary policy
Bank of Canada actions that contract, or restrict, the growth of the nation’s money supply for the purpose of reducing our eliminating inflation
Taylor rule
A modern monitoring rule proposed by economist John Taylor that stipulates exactly how much a central bank should change interest rates in response to divergences a real GDP from potential GDP and a verdict is an actual rates of inflation from a target rate of inflation
Cyclical asymmetry
The idea that monetary policy may be more successful in showing expansions and controlling the inflation them in extracting the economy from severe recession
liquidity trap
A situation in which adding more liquidity to Banks has little or no additional positive effect on lending
Inflation targeting
A bank of Canada policy of maintaining the inflation rate within a specific range, currently 1 to 3%