Chapter 13 Final M Review Flashcards
“am” when used with pronoun “i” (when i am, that i am)
final m (words with m sounds at the end)
“mean” when used with pronouns (you mean to say, that means, what i mean, if you mean)
“many” at end or mid phrase (too many, very many, how many, so many)
“me” after propositions (from me, with me, for me, to me)
“me” in phrasing (tell me, give me, told me)
“my” in phrasing (in my, for my, with my, and my, when my)
“must” in phrasing (and i must, that you must, he must)
“mind” in phrasing (do you mind, never mind, state of mind, keep in mind, open mind)
“time” in phrasing (what time, did there come a time, from time to time, all of the time, one time)
-PLT (M with a T hung at the end)
“them” when phrasing (with them, for them, to them, one of them, few of them)
-FPL (F then M)