Chapter 13: Cardiac Arrhythmias And ECG Interpretation Flashcards
What are the main causes of cardiac arrhythmias ?
1) Abnormal rhythmicity of the pace maker.
2) Shift of the pacemaker from the sinus node to another place of the heart
3) Blocks at different places in the spread of the impulse through the heart.
4) abnormal pathways of impulse transmission through the heart.
5) Spontaneous generation of spurious impulses in almost any part of the heart.
What is the ratio of HR increase/ increase in each degree of body temperature in Celsius?
18 beats/ 1 degree Celsius
How does fever cause tachycardia?
It increases the metabolic rate of the sinus node, which in turn increases the rate of sinus nodal pacing.
How does Severe blood lose increase the heart rate ?
Severe blood loss activates sympathetic reflex stimulation of the heart which may increase the HR to a range between 150-180 BPM.
How does simple myocardial plegia cause tachycardia?
A week myocardium will not be able to pump blood into the Arterial tree normally. Which will cause reduction in BP and will cause tachycardia
Mechanism of bradycardia in athletic heart?
The large ventricular volume and myocardial contractility allows the athletic heart to pump to increase resting stroke volume than the normal heart. This increased blood in the Arterial tree will activate feedback circulatory reflexes or other effects that cause bradycardia.
Pathophysiology of carotid sinus syndrome ?
It is caused by the excessive sensitivity of the baroreceptors of the carotid sinus walls. Mild pressure on the baroreceptors of the carotid sinus causes intense vagal acetylcholine effect on the heart leading to bradycardia and sometimes syncope.
Physiology of respiratory sinus arrhythmia?
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia results from the spillover of signals from the medullary respiratory center into the adjacent vasomotor center during inspiratory and respiratory cycles of respiration. This spillover causes alternate increase in the number of sympathetic and parasympathetic impulses passed on to the heart, which in ECG is manifested as RSA
Blood supply of the AV node ?
In 90% of humans AV node receive it’s blood supply from the AV nodal branch of RCA. In 10% of the people it is left circumflex artery.
Blood supply of the bundle of Hiss?
It has dual blood supply from the AV nodal branch of the RCA and the first septal branch of the LAD artery.
Blood supply of the SA node?
In 60% it is the SA nodal branch of the RCA in the remaining 40% it can be from the LCA or Left coronary circumflex artery.
Blood supply of the right atrium and ventricle?
The RCA branches supply both of them.
Blood supply of the left atrium?
Left coronary circumflex artery, it also supplies the posterio-lateral wall of the left ventricle
Blood supply of the left ventricle?
The anterior and anterio- lateral walls are supplied by the LAD artery
Blood supply of the interventricular septum?
The anterior 2/3 is supplied by the anterior interventricular branch of the septal branch of the left coronary artery. The posterior 1/3 is supplied by the posterior interventricular branch of the RCA